Faculty Research Awards

Faculty Research Awards 2024


Dr. MD Raf E Ul Shpugat, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project Vibrational Energy Harvesting with Adaptive Oscillators (12/1/24-11/3025).

Dr. Chris Rhodes, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, received funding from the United States Department of Energy for the research project Understanding Degradation Mechanisms and Rates in Acidic Metal Oxide Oxygen Evolution. (2/1/25-1/31/26).

Dr. Ivan Ojeda-Ruiz, Department of Mathematics and the College of science and Engineering, received funding from the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics for the research project Mentor for the 2025 SIAM-Simons Undergraduate Research Program. (10/24/24-9/30/25).

Drs. Xiaohua Luo, Yihong Yuan, and Feng Wang, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project 2025 Summer Transportation Camp (1/31/25-8/3125).

Drs. Michael Jacobs and David Schilter, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, received funding from the U.S. Department of Energy for the research project Characterizing interfacial and Bulk Transport Phenomena in Viscus Microdroplets. (2/1/25-1/31/26).

Dr. Tanzima Islam, Department of Computer Science, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project Scalable Performance-aware Engine for the Efficient Decision-making on HPC Systems. (1/1/25-1/31/29).

Dr. Noland Martin, Department of Biology, received funding from Braun & Gresham, Attorneys at Law for the research project Texas Native Alloberberis Species Reproductive Isolation & Natural Hybridization. (2/6/25-12/31/25).

Dr. Jessica Dutton, Department of Biology, received funding from the Matagorda Bay Mitigation Trust for the research project Trace Element Concentrations in Sediment from the Alcoa Point Comfort Lavaca. (3/1/25-2/29/28).

Drs. Eleanor Close and Alice Olmstead, Department of Physics, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project Learning Assistant Professional Development for Facilitation Practices in Active Learning. (10/1/24-9/30/27).

Dr. Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Circle Concrete Tech, Inc. for the research project Plant Recycled Steel Fiber Reinforcement to Acieve Ultra-Low Carbon Concrete. (1/13/25-6/15/25).

Dr. Lucinda de Cresce El Debs, Department of Engineering Technology, received funding from Purdue University for the research project Best practices for Implementing Driving Simulators in INDOT Driver Training. (8/16/24-11/20/25).

Dr. Caitlin Gabor, Department of Biology, received funding from Braun & Gresham, Attorneys at Law for the research project Fish and Amphibian Biodiversity Conversion Environmental Complexity. (12/13/24-12/31/25).

Dr. Marilyn Banta, Department of Biology, received funding from the Joint Admission Medical Program for the research project JAMP FY24-25 Special Project: MCAT Prep Tutoring Assistance. (9/1/24-8/31/25).


Dr. Jitendra Tate, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Quantum Copper for the research project PolyCat’s FR Materials Testing. (11/18/24-9/20/25).

Drs. Xiaohua Luo, Jesus Jimenez, and Feng Wang, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the research project HIS: Administration of the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowships. (11/20/24-8/31/25).

Dr. Yihong (Maggie) Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Nanohmics, Inc. for the research project Conformal and Compact Tri-Band Antenna. (11/12/24-11/11/26).

Dr. Damian Valles, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project REU Site: Undergraduate Research Experiences in Artificial Intelligence. (4/1/25-3/31/28).

Dr. Jason Martina, Department of Biology, received funding from the University of North Texas for the research project Integrating Ecosystem Services and Stakeholder Preferences to Improve Outcomes. (1/1/25-12/31/27).

Drs. Sujata Mandal, Ingram School of Engineering, Jana Minifie, Department of Management, and Keya Sen, Department of Health Administration, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project I-Corps: Translation Potential of an Economically Friendly Water Purifier. (12/1/24-11/30/25).

Dr. Eduardo Perez, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education for the research project Integrating Clustering Analysis and Simulation-Optimization for Enhanced Resources (1/10/25-1/18/26).

Dr. Lauren Fuess, Department of Biology, received funding from the Nova Southeastern University for the research project Integrated Approach to Identify and Experimentally Validate Environmental Variables Which Affect SCTLD Outcomes. (7/1/24-6/30/25).

Dr. Greg Passty, Department of Mathematics and the College of science and Engineering, received funding from the Texas Southern University for the research project Louis Stokes Renewal STEM Pathways and Research Alliance. (10/1/24-9/30/25).


Drs. Wenquan Dong and Clara Novoa Ramirez, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the research project Assessing Food Waste monitoring and Management in Central Texas Rural Communities. (10/1/24-9/30/25).

Dr. Eunsang Cho, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the research project Satellite Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Sub-field Crop Prediction. (8/26/24-8/25/25).


Dr. Yihong (Maggie) Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Nanohmics, Inc. for the research project Millimeter Wave Imaging with High-Electronic-Mobility Transistors. (9/16/24-9/15/25).

Drs. Anthony Torres, Wilson Espinoza Chavez, and Luis Trueba, Department of Engineering Technology, received funding from Ohio State University for the research project Assessment of Austere Landing Sites Phase 1 (Proof of Concept). (9/1/24-9/28/26).

Dr. Sarah Fritts, Department of Biology, received funding from Vestas Wind Systems A/S for the research project Pond Testing of a Passive Bat Deterrent. (10/28/24-12/31/24).

Dr. Jessica Dutton, Department of Biology, received funding from the University of Texas at Austin for the research project Matagorda Bay System Contaminant Resuspension Due to Storms, Ship Traffic & Dredging. (6/1/24-5/31/27).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Academy of Sciences for the research project NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-05: Traffic Practices for Non-Motorized Vehicles. (11/15/24-5/15/26).

Drs. Bradley Borges, Department of Agricultural Sciences, received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture – NIFA National Institute of Food & Agriculture for the research project Agricultural Construction Laboratory Improvement. (9/1/24-8/31/27).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Michigan State University for the research project Roadside Feature Placement and Pedestrian Safety on Low & Intermediate Speed Roads. (7/22/24-6/30/26).


Dr. Cody Patterson, Department of Mathematics, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project Collaborative Research: College Mathematics Instructor Development Source CoMInDS (10/1/24-9/30/28).

Drs. Xiangping Liu, Department of Agriculture Sciences, and Jelena Tesic, Department of Computer Science, received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture – NIFA National Institute of Food & Agriculture for the research project Comprehensive Experiential Learnings to Promote Climate Resilient Agriculture. (9/15/24-9/14/28).

Dr. Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Academy of Sciences for the research project Sustainable Ultra-High Performance Concrete Material Highway Bridge Applications. (1/2/25-12/31/26).

Drs. Soon Jae Lee and Hyunhwan Kim, Department of Engineering Technology, received funding from Texas Tech University for the research project Technical Support for Pavement Analysis and Design. (9/3/24-8/31/25).


Dr. Tim Bonner, Department of Biology, received funding from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the research project Aquatic Community Assessment in Off-channel Habitats of Neches and Sabine River Ecosystems. (7/23/23-4/30/26).

Dr. Lauren Fuess, Department of Biology, received funding from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the research project Omic Approach to Identify Predictive Markers of SCTLD Resistance. (7/1/24-12/31/24).

Dr. Yihong (Maggie) Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Nanohmics, Inc. for the research project Volume-constrained Additive Manufacturing Polymers of Integrated Robust Electronics. (8/7/24-9/8/25).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Develop Crash Predictive Methods for Frontage Roads with Ramp Terminals. (9/1/24-8/31/25).

Dr. Jung Yeon, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Develop Optimum 2-Mat Reinforcement Design in Continuously Reinforced Concrete. (9/1/24-8/31/25).

Mr. James Banks and Mr. Abhimanyu Sharotry, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from RJ Thomas Manufacturing Company, Inc. for the research project Static Load Testing of Commercial Outdoor Furniture. (8/26/24-8/31/25).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the research project Social and Community Factors Contributing to Pedestrian Trespass Behaviors. (9/27/24-3/26/26).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Predicting Field Performance of Pavement Markings Statewide in Texas. (9/1/24-8/31/25).

Drs. Feng Wang, Xiaohua Luo, and Feng Hong, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Determine Hydroplaning Potential Using Existing Pavement Asset Data. (9/1/24-8/31/25).

Dr. Ariful Haque, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the United States Army Research Office for the research project State-of-The-Art Photoluminescence Spectrometer for Research and Education. (9/1/24-8/31/25).

Dr. Feng Hong, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Revision for TxDOT Pavement Management Information System Rater’s Manual. (9/1/24-8/31/25).

Dr. Anthony Torres, Department of Engineering Technology, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Long-term Monitoring of RSHC-based Corrosion Samples. (9/1/24-8/31/25).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Safety and Decrease Vehicle Fatalities by Improving Pavement Markings. (9/1/24-8/31/25).

Dr. Astrid Schwalb, Department of Biology, received funding from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the research project Zebra Mussel Monitoring in Texas Water Bodies. (9/1/24-8/31/25).

Dr. Jesus Jimenez, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Jacobs Technology, Inc. for the research project “JETS” Task Order – STO-000367. (10/1/2024-9/30/25).

Drs. Sean Kerwin, Ryan Peterson, David Schitler, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project Acquisition of a Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer. (8/15/24-7/31/27).

Dr. Jesus Jimenez, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Jacobs Technology, Inc. for the research project “JETS” Task Order – STO-000365. (10/1/2024-9/30/25).

Dr. Jesus Jimenez, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Jacobs Technology, Inc. for the research project “JETS” Task Order – STO-000366. (10/1/2024-9/30/25).

Dr. Jesus Jimenez, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Jacobs Technology, Inc. for the research project “JETS” Task Order – STO-000364. (10/1/2024-9/30/25).

Dr. Yoichi Miyahara, Department of Physics, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project MRI: Track 1 Micro/Nanometer Scale Device Fabrication in Research. (9/1/24-8/31/27).


Dr. Yihong (Maggie) Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Nanohmics, Inc. for the research project Stowable Achromatic Microwave Metalens. (7/15/24-1/5/25).

Dr. Martin Burtscher, Department of Computer Science, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project SHF:  Medium: SCIOPT:  Toward Certifiable Compression-Aware SciML systems. (10/1/24-9/30/27).

Dr. Yihong (Maggie) Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Nanohmics, Inc. for the research project Broadband Antennas and SDR for Evaluating Corrosion Under Thick Coatings. (7/12/24-12/20/24).

Dr. Carrie Bucklin, Department of Biology, received funding from the University of North Alabama for the research project Creating STEM Opportunities for High-achieving Rural Alabama Students. (6/1/24-12/31/24).

Dr. Michael Jacobs, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project LEAPS-MPS:  Quantifying Interfacial Molecular Transport and pH. (9/1/24-8/31/26).

Dr. Steven Whitten, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, received funding from the National Institutes of Health for the research project Texas Doctoral Bridge Program. (8/1/24-7/31/25).

Dr. Ariful Haque, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project ERI:  Integration of Diamond with Ga203 for High Performance Applications. (7/1/24-6/30/26).

Drs. Anahita Emami, Ingram School of Engineering, Meysam Khaleghian, Department of Engineering Technology, and Ryan Anderson, Department of Agriculture, received funding from the National Institute of Food & Agriculture for the research project Women and Minorities in Smart Agriculture. (9/1/24-8/31/27).

Drs. Feng Wang and Xiaohua Luo, Ingram School of Engineering, and Jelena Tesic, Department of Computer Science, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Artificial Intelligence for Pavement Condition Assessment. (9/1/24-8/31/25).

Dr. Henna Rathore, Department of Computer Science, received funding from the University of Texas at El Paso:  Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions for the research project Enhancing Moral Decision Making in Large Language Models. (9/15/24-9/14/25).

Dr. Jennifer Czocher, Department of Mathematics, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project Tracking Adaptation and Investigating Learning Outcomes for Reforming Mathematics. (8/15/24-7/31/27).

Drs. Jesus Jimenez, Anahita Emami, Robert Wright, Francis Mendez, and Eduardo Perez, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Workforce Commission for the research project Phase 3 – Quality Assurance of New and Existing Products to Support Texas State. (9/1/24-8/31/25).

Dr. Feng Hong, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Use Network Level Texture to Enhance Pavement Management Year 2. (9/1/24-8/31/25).

Dr. Feng Hong, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Assess the Probability of Extreme Weather & Resilience Risks for TxDOT Year 2. (9/1/24-8/31/25).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Innovative Methods for Estimating VMT on Local Roads in Texas Year 2. (9/1/24-8/31/25).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Safety Assessment of Shared Use Paths at Railway Crossings Year 2. (9/1/24-8/31/25).

Drs. Anthony Torres, Carolos Moro, Wilson Espinoza, Department of Engineering Technology, and Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Developing a Performance-Based Concrete Overlay Mix Design Year 2. (9/1/24-8/31/25).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Develop Crash Modification Factors for Super Highways Year 2. (9/1/24-8/31/25).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Develop a Real-Time Decision Support Tool for Urban Roadway Improvment Year 3. (9/1/24-11/30/24).

Dr. Tania Betancourt, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project HIS:  Central Texas PREM:  Partnership Between TXST & UT at Austin. (7/1/21-6/30/28).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Barrier Striping for the Reduction of Accidents Year 2. (9/1/24-5/31/25).

Drs. Eunsang Cho, Feng Wang, Xijun Shi, Stacey Kulesza. and Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the research project Coastal Research and Education Actions for Transportation Equity (CREATE). (6/1/24-5/31/29).

Drs. Xiaohua Luo, Feng Wang, Xijun Shi, Stacey Kulesza. and Feng Hong, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the research project Coastal Research and Education Actions for Transportation Equity (CREATE). (6/1/24-5/31/29).

Drs. Xijun Shi, Stacey Kulesza, Feng Wang, Ingram School of Engineering, Anthony Torres and Carlos Moro, Department of Engineering Technology received funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the research project Coastal Research and Education Actions for Transportation Equity (CREATE). (6/1/24-5/31/29).

Drs. Jung Yeon, Feng Wang, Xijun Shi, and Stacey Kulesza, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the research project Coastal Research and Education Actions for Transportation Equity (CREATE). (6/1/24-5/31/29).

Dr. Chris Serenari, Department of Biology, received funding from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the research project Investigating Factors that Inspire Committed Collaboration for Wildlife Habitat. (8/2/24-8/31/27).

Drs. David Schitler and Ryan Peterson, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry received funding from the National Institutes of Health for the research project Continuous-Wave X-Band Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer. (8/1/24-7/31/25).

Dr. Eunsang Cho, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the research project Groundwater Impact on S2S Snowmelt Flood Predictability. (7/22/24-7/21/26).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Operational & Safety Improvements Associated with Innovative Intersections. (9/1/24-8/31/25).

Dr. Ryan Anderson and Mr. Bradley Borges, Department of Agricultural Sciences, received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture-NIFA National Institute of Food & Agriculture for the research project Empowering Agricultural Mechanics Education, Recruitment, and Research (ER2). (9/1/24-8/31/26).

Dr. Michael Forstner, Department of Biology, received funding from the Mobile Communications America for the research project Bastrop Communications Tower 24:  Avoidance & Minimization Compliance Houston Toad.

JULY 2024

Drs. Hongchi Shi, Apan Qasem and Jill Seaman, Department of Computer Science, received funding from Northwestern University for the research project Data Alliance on Persistence and Perception in Computing (DAPPIC). (5/20/24-8/31/26).

Drs. Ryan Peterson and Lysle Lewis, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, received funding from the National Institutes of Health Institute of General Medical for the research project Fluorescence Microscope with Live-cell and High-resolution Imaging Capabilities. (7/1/24-6/30/25).

Dr. Togay Ozbakkaloglu, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project AGEA:  Revolutionizing Seismic Resilience. (5/15/24-4/30/25).

Dr. Hiroko Warshauer, Department of Mathematics, received funding from the H-E-B Tournament of Champions for the research project Mathworks Camp. (3/26/24-8/31/24).

Dr. Ivan Ojeda-Ruiz, Department of Mathematics, received funding from the Occidental College for the research project CURM Program at Institution’s Undergraduate College for 24-25 Academic Year. (8/1/24-6/1/25).

Drs. Apan Qasem, Department of Computer Science, and Michelle Forsythe, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the project SREM-CLEAR: Creating Contextualized Learning Pathways. (6/1/24-5/31/29).

JUNE 2024

Dr. Feng Hong, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas A&M Transportation Institute for the research project Pavement Preservation PMIS Technical Manual. (5/4/24-8/31/24).

Drs. Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, and Anthony Torres, Department of Engineering Technology received funding from the State of New Mexico, New Mexico Department of Transportation, for the research project Aggregate Alkali-Silica-Reactivity and Mitigative Measures. (5/10/24-5/9/28).

Dr. Eunsang Cho, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Montana State University for the research project Emerging UAV Gamma-Ray and LiDAR Snow Observations. (2/14/24-9/30/26).

Dr. Yihong Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Nanohmics, Inc. for the research project Additive High-Power Antenna for the X-band. (4/30/24-1/31/25).

Dr. Keisuke Ikehata, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Argonne National Laboratory UCHICAGO ARGONNE, LLC for the research project Consultation for the International Standardization of Water Reuse. (5/20/24-3/31/25).

Dr. Sarah Fritts, Department of Biology, received funding from the Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Advanced R&D Center for the research project Post-Construction Monitoring of a Photovoltaic Solar Facility. (10/1/24-12/31/26).

Dr. Leila Siciliano-Martinez, Department of Biology, received funding from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro for the research project Morphology and Environmental Specializations in Kangaroo Rat Species. (4/5/24-12/31/24).

Dr. Mar Huertas Pau, Department of Biology, received funding from the National Institutes of Health for the research project Maternal Transfer Factors and Offspring Development Defects by Nitrite. (6/1/24-4/30/25).

MAY 2024

Dr. Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from TNSR Systems LLC for the research project Structure Test for Swole-Crete. (4/19/24-9/1/24).

Dr. Luis Trueba, Department of Engineering Technology, received funding from Martin Marietta for the research project Characterization of Liberty Ranch Deposit Samples. (4/17/24-7/1/24).

Drs. Yong Yang and Thomas Keller, Department of Mathematics, received funding from the National Security Agency for the research project REU Site: Algebra, Combinatorics, and Statistics. (5/22/24-3/31/25).

Dr. Anahita Emami, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project ERI: ANS: Bridging the Gap between Structure and Electromechanical Behavior. (9/1/24-8/31/26).

APRIL 2024

Drs. Sangchul Hwang, Salah Faroughi, Sujata Mandal, and Eunsang Cho, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environment for the research project Multidisciplinary Research and Workforce Development on PFAS. (4/1/24-3/31/25).

Dr. Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the research project Processing Lunar Geopolymer Using In-Situ Resources TEAM Bobcat CaerusCrete. (2/1/24-1/31/25).

Dr. Wenquan Dong, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory UT-Battelle, LLC for the research project Evaluation of the Food Loss and Waste Reduction, Recovery, and Recycling Technology. (12/20/23-12/1/24).

Dr. William Boney, Department of Mathematics, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project CAREER:  Compactness in Incompact Worlds. (7/1/24-6/30/29).

Dr. Clay Green, Department of Biology, received funding from the Gulf of Mexico Alliance for the research project Delineation of Reddish Egret Foraging Habitat within the Northern Gulf of Mexico. (2/15/24-12/31/25).

Dr. Shannon Weigum, Department of Biology, received funding from Nanohmics, Inc. for the research project Aptamer-Guided Antibiotic-Loaded Exosomes for Improved Treatment of Bacteria. (2/16/24-9/15/24).

Drs. Carlos Moro, Anthony Torres and Wilson Espinoza, Department of Engineering Technology, received funding from the South Dakota Department of Transportation for the research project Refinement of Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert Installation Guidelines. (4/5/24-9/30/25).

Drs. Soon Jae Lee and Hyunhwan Kim, Department of Engineering Technology, received funding from Texas Tech University for the research project Technical Support for Pavement Analysis and Design. (4/5/24-8/31/24).

MARCH 2024

Drs. Xiaohua Luo, Feng Wang and Liang Li, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project 2024 Summer Transportation Camp. (2/27/24-8/31/24).

Drs. Sangchul Hwang and Ranjit Gurav, Ingram School of Engineering, and Dr. Jana Minifie, Department of Management, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project Biologically Active Pervious Structure for Stormwater Management. (2/1/24-1/31/25).

Dr. Subasish Das and Mr. David Mills, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project SafeR: The Safest Routing Tool. (2/1/24-1/31/25).

Drs. Sangchul Hwang and Sujata Mandal, Ingram School of Engineering, Dr. Chang Ji, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Dr. In-Hyouk Song, Department of Engineering Technology, received funding from Battelle Savannah River Alliance LLC for the research project Climate Impact on Resiliency and Safety of in-situ remediation. (1/29/24-1/28/25).

Dr. Jessica Dutton, Department of Biology, received funding from the Matagorda Bay Mitigation Trust for the research project Mercury Exposure through Seafood Consumption in the Matagorda Bay. (6/1/24-5/31/27).


Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine for the research project Incorporating Safe System Approach into the National Cooperative Highway Research Program. (2/23/24-2/22/26).

Dr. Joseph Veech, Department of Biology, received funding from the Rob & Bessie Welder Wildlife Foundation for the research project Analysis of Upland and Riparian Habitats as Stopover Sites of Migratory Songbirds. (1/1/24-12/31/24).

Dr. Andrea Banzatti, Department of Physics, received funding from the Space Telescope Science Institute for the research project Why do some 50Myr Old Stars Still Accrete. (12/1/23-11/30/26).

Dr. Susan Schwinning, Department of Biology, received funding from the Native Plant Society of Texas to support graduate student research. (01/02/24-12/31/25).

Dr. Edwin Piner, Department of Physics, received funding from Atomera Incorporated for the research project Investigation of Utilization of MST for GAN Growth on Silicon-based Substrates. (1/24/24-3/31/24).

Dr. Caitlin Gabor, Department of Biology, received funding from Braun & Gresham, Attorneys at Law for the research project The Consequences of Land Use Conversion on Fish and Amphibian Biodiversity. (1/1/24-12/31/24).

Dr. Susan Schwinning, Department of Biology, received funding from Braun & Gresham, Attorneys at Law for the research project Do Grasslands on the Edwards Plateau Use Rock Water to Tolerate Drought. (01/01/24-12/31/24).

Dr. Keisuke Ikehata, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Freese and Nichols, Inc. for the research project Strategies for Gaining Pathogen Removal Credit for Reverse Osmosis. (4/01/23-5/08/24).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the University of Washington for the research project Incorporating Equity in Traffic Safety. (10/20/23-1/31/25).


Dr. Noland Martin, Department of Biology, received funding from Braun & Gresham, Attorneys at Law for the research project Genetic Structure and Hybridization in Native Texas Alloberberis. (1/8/24-12/31/24).

Dr. Joseph Veech, Department of Biology, received funding from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the research project Ascertaining Best Management Practices for Roadside Habitat of Texas Kangaroo Rats. (10/11/23-8/31/25).

Dr. Yihong Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Nanohmics, Inc. for the research project Conformal and Compact Tri-band Antenna. (11/20/23-5/19/24).

Dr. Chris Nice, Department of Biology, received funding from the American Museum of Natural History Southwestern Research Station for the research project Landscape Genomics of White Oaks (section: Quercus) in the US Southwest. (1/1/24-12/31/24).

Image of faculty and graduate student in a chemistry lab

Faculty Research Awards 2023


Dr. Tanzima Islam, Department of Computer Science, received funding from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for the research project Performance Prediction Across Heterogeneous Domains. (10/1/23-9/30/24).

Dr. Tania Betancourt, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, received funding from the National Science Foundation, for the research project HIS: Central Tx PREM:  Partnership Between TXST & UT at Austin. (7/1/21-6/30/28).

Dr. Feng Hong, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Develop Systematic and Quantitative Approach to Assess the Probability of Extreme Weather and Resilience Risks for TxDOT Highways and Bridges. (12/5/23-8/31/24).

Drs. Heping Chen, Bahram Asiabanpour, and Damian Valles, Ingram School of Engineering, and Dr. Merritt Drewery, Department of Agriculture, received funding from the United States Department of Agriculture for the research project HIS: AnimalCareBot:  Bridging the Gap between Emerging Technologies for Cattle Farming and Education in Agriculture Sciences. (9/15/23-9/14/27).

Drs. Yong Yang and Thomas Keller, Department of Mathematics, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project CONFERENCE:  Zassenhaus Group Theory Conference 2024. (1/1/24-12/31/24).


Dr. Krishna Kisi, Department of Engineering Technology, and Dr. Omar Lopez, Department of Organization, Workforce, and Leadership Studies, received funding from the United States Department of Labor for the research project Ergonomics in Construction and General Industries. (9/30/23-9/30/24).

Drs. Feng Wang, Jesus Jimenez and Xiaohua Luo, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the United States Department of Transportation for the research project Administration of the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETEP) Local Competition. (10/27/23-8/31/24).

Dr. Cody Patterson, Department of Mathematics, received funding from the JP Morgan Chase Trustee of the G.R. White Trust for the research project Mathworks Honors Summer Camp (HSMC) Scholarships. (11/1/23-7/31/24).

Dr. Lauren Fuess Department of Biology, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project RAPID:  Leveraging a Natural Bleaching Event to Assess Links between Bleaching and Disease. (11/1/23-10/31/24).


Dr. Vivian Healey, Department of Mathematics, received funding from the American Mathematical Society for the research project Questions in Multiple Schramm-Loewner Evolution. (7/1/23-6/30/26).

Dr. Yihong Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from ICON Technologies for the research project RF Attenuation Evaluation. (10/1/23-12/31/23).

Dr. Sangchul Hwang, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the City of Kyle for the research project E. coli and Nutrient Reduction with Biologically Active Float. (10/1/23-9/30/25). 


Drs. Feng Wang and Xiaohua Luo, Ingram School of Engineering, and Jelena Tesic, Department of Computer Science, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Artificial Intelligence for Pavement Condition Assessment from 2D/3D Surface Images. (9/1/23-8/31/24).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Develop a Real-Time Decision Support Tool for Urban Roadway Safety Improvement. (9/1/23-8/31/24).

Dr. Anthony Torres, Department of Engineering Technology, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Use of Rapid Setting Hydraulic Cement (RSHC) for Structural Applications. (9/1/23-12/31/23).

Dr. Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project Plient Concrete for Cheaper, Greener, Faster, Safer Concrete Pipes. (9/1/23-8/31/25).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Exploring and Developing Innovative Methods for Estimating VMT on Local Roads in Texas. (9/1/23-8/31/25).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Barrier Striping for the Reduction of Accidents. (9/1/23-11/30/24).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Safety Assessment of Shared Use Paths at Roadway Crossings Using Exposure-Based Models. (9/1/23-8/31/25).

Drs. Anthony Torres, Wilson Espinosa, Carlos Moro, Department of Engineering Technology, and Dr. Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Developing a Performance-Based Concrete Overlay Mix Design for Improved Resistance to Early-Age Cracking and Increased Durability. (9/1/23-8/31/26).

Dr. Feng Hong, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Use of Network Level Texture to Enhance Pavement Management. (9/1/23-8/31/25).

Dr. Sarah Fritts, Department of Biology, received funding from the Texas Military Department for the research project Small and Meso-Mammal Surveys on Camp Bowie and Camp Maxey Training Centers. (9/12/23-9/11/26).

Dr. Chris Serenari, Department of Biology, received funding from the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management for the research project Establishing the Socio-Political Drivers of Wildfire Suppression Costs through an Analysis of Institutional Collaboration. (9/5/23-9/30/25).

Dr. Jung Yeon, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Technical Support for Forensic Evaluation, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation of Rigid Pavements. (8/7/23-8/31/24).

Dr. Mike Forstner, Department of Biology, received funding from Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Endangered Species Compliance and Management. (8/29/23-8/31/25).

Dr. Lauren Fuess, Department of Biology, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project CREST Center in Eco-Evo-Omics Planning Grant. (9/1/23-8/31/25).

Dr. Hiroko Warshauer, Department of Mathematics, received funding from the Webb Family Foundation for the research project Mathworks Camp FY24-25. (9/1/23-8/31/25).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Develop Crash Modification Factors for Super 2 Highways. (9/1/23-8/31/24).

Dr. Astrid Schwalb, Department of Biology, received funding from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the research project Zebra Mussel Monitoring in Texas Bodies. (9/1/23-8/31/24).

Dr. Yihong Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Nanohmics, Inc. for the research project Space Qualified, 3D-Printed, Electronic Assembly Demonstration (SPEAD) Printed Circuit Boards. (9/3/23-9/2/24).

Drs. Astrid Schwalb, Weston Nowlin and Benjamin Schwartz, Department of Biology, received funding from the United States Army Corp of Engineers for the research project Integrating Long Term Datasets with Next Generation Ecological Models to Quantify Ecological Response in Aquatic Systems. (9/20/23-9/19/24).

Drs. Weston Nowlin, Benjamin Schwartz and Astrid Schwalb, Department of Biology, received funding from the United States Army Corp of Engineers for the research project Integrating Long Term Datasets with Next Generation Ecological Models to Quantify Ecological Response in Aquatic Systems. (9/20/23-9/19/24).

Drs. Benjamin Schwartz, Weston Nowlin and Astrid Schwalb, Department of Biology, received funding from the United States Army Corp of Engineers for the research project Integrating Long Term Datasets with Next Generation Ecological Models to Quantify Ecological Response in Aquatic Systems. (9/20/23-9/19/24).

Dr. Yihong Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Nanohmics, Inc. for the research project Millimeter Wave Imaging for Threat Detection. (6/14/23-12/14/23).

Dr. Timothy Bonner, Department of Biology, received funding from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the research project Fish and Freshwater Mussel Community Assessments in Off-channel Habitats of the Sabine River Drainage. (7/1/23-11/30/24).


Dr. Keisuke Ikehata, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Consultation for the research project International Standardization of Water Reuse and Investigation of New Advanced Technologies in Water and Wastewater Treatment. (5/22/23-3/31/24).

Dr. Jason Martina, Department of Biology, received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the research project Constraints on the Recruitment of An Invasive C4 In A Native C4 Grassland. (6/1/23-5/31/24).

Dr. Mark Wistey, Department of Physics, received funding from the U.S. Department of Defense AF Office of Scientific Research for the research project GeCSn Lasers for Silicon-Based Processors and Machine Learning. (8/1/23-7/31/24).

Dr. Wilson Espinoza, Department of Engineering Technology, received funding from the TEXO Foundation for the research project TEXO Foundation Award for Equipment and Student Education. (9/1/23-8/31/24).

Dr. Cecil Richard Compeau Jr., Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the University of Texas at Austin Texas Space Grant Consortium for the research project Team Award for the Texas Space Grant Design Challenge Student Team for Spring 2023. (1/1/23-6/30/24).

Dr. David Schilter, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, received funding from the National Institutes of Health for the research project Active-Site Models Unravel Mechanism of Enzymatic Alkane Activation. (8/1/23-7/31/24).

JULY 2023

Dr. Salah Faroughi, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the American Chemical Society for the research project Probing Mesoscopic Structures in Petroleum Fluids Containing Magnetic Superquadric Particle. (8/1/23-8/31/25).

Dr. Lauren Fuess, Department of Biology, received funding from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the research project Tracking Bacterial, Viral, and Gene Expression Shifts throughout SCTLD Development in the Dry Tortugas. (7/1/23-6/30/24).

Dr. Lauren Fuess, Department of Biology, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project BRC-BIO: Establishing Astrangia poculata as a Model System to Understand How Multi-scalar Symbiotic Interactions Affect Pathogen Response in Cnidarians. (1/1/24-12/32/26).

Dr. Mar Huertas Pau, Department of Biology, and Dr. Bahram Asiabanpour, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture- NIFA National Institute of Food & Agriculture for the research project SEED: Exploring Novel Fish Cultures for Small and Midscale Aquaponics Systems. (7/1/23-6/30/25).

Drs. Edwin Piner and Mark Holtz, Department of Physics, received funding from the U.S. Department of Defense for the research project Lateral Heterogeneous Integration of Ultrawide Bandgap AlGaN and Diamond. (7/1/23-6/30/27).

JUNE 2023

Dr. Karim Muci-Kuchler, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Office of Naval Research for the research project A Flipped Classroom Strategy to Teach Systems Thinking to Engineering Students. (6/1/23-5/31/26).

Dr. Hwa Young Lee, Department of Mathematics, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project CAREER: Reframing Students' Graph Literacy with a Focus on Students' Thinking. (2/15/23-1/31/28).

Dr. Nikoleta Theodoropoulou, Department of Physics, received funding from the U.S. Department of Defense for the research project Epitaxial Oxides on Si for Fundamental Electronic Transport Studies, Quantum Effects, and Device Integration. (6/1/23-5/31/27).

Dr. Hiroaki Tanaka, Department of Mathematics, received funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for the research project Higher Algebra and Symplectic Geometry. (8/31/23-9/14/25).

Dr. Nihal Dharmasiri, Department of Biology, received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the research project Discovery of New Herbicide Targets/modes of Action to Bioactive Phytotoxins. (6/1/23-5/31/26).

Drs. Jesus Jimenez, Francis Mendez, Eduardo Perez, Anahita Emami and Robert Wright, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Workforce Commission for the research project Phase 3 - Quality Assurance of New and Existing Products to Support Texas State Workforce Commission. (9/1/23-8/31/24).

Drs. Stacey Kulesza, Feng Wang, and Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, and Dr. Kristina Collins, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, received funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the research project Coastal Research and Education Actions for Transportation Equity (CREATE). (6/1/23-5/31/29).

MAY 2023

Dr. Eleanor Close, Department of Physics, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project Responsive, Attentive, Dialogic, and Interactive Noyce Scholars with Vertical Peer Mentoring (RADIANS2). (6/15/23-5/31/28).

Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Rowan University for the research project Evaluation of NJDOT Hardened Traffic Paint Markings and Stripes Performance. (2/13/23-2/12/26).

Dr. Tania Betancourt, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, received continued funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project HSI: Central Texas PREM Center. (5/15/23-6/30/27).

Drs. Sangchul Hwang, Chang Ji, and In-Hyouk Song, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Battelle Savannah River Alliance LLC for the research project Sustainable, Safe, and Climate Resilient Attenuation-Based Remediation. (4/25/23-4/25/24).

Dr. Andrea Banzatti, Department of Physics, received funding from the Space Telescope Science Institute Grants Administration for the research project The Impact of Smaller Accretion Bursts on the Planet-forming Material in the Disk of a Young Eruptive Star. (5/1/23-4/30/24).

APRIL 2023

Dr. Andrea Banzatti, Department of Physics, received funding from the Space Telescope Science Institute Grants Administration for the research project The Impact of Smaller Accretion Bursts on the Planet-forming Material in the Disk of a Young Eruptive Star. (5/1/23-4/30/24).

Stacey Kulesza, Ingram School of Engineering, from Kansas State University for the project Collaborative Research: We Are Thriving. Challenging Negative Discourse Through Voices of Women in Project Teams (10/11/22-08/31/23).

Oleg Komogortsev, Department of Computer Science, from Facebook Technologies, LLC. for the project Eye Movement Prediction on Virtual Reality Platforms (03/03/23-02/02/24).

Todd Hudnall, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, from National Science Foundation for the project Design, Synthesis and Reactivity of Diboryl and Aminoboryl Carbenes (05/01/23-04/30/26).

Lu Wang, Department Computer Science, from National Science Foundation for the project CRII: IIS: Interactive Explainable Survival Analysis (06/01/23-05/31/25).

Salah Faroughi, Ingram School of Engineering, from Metascape, LLC. for the project Context-Aware Neural-Accelerated Visualization Pipeline for Big Volumetric Data (03/21/23-11/20/23).

Gregory Passty, College of Science and Engineering, from Texas Southern University for the project HSI: Louis Stokes STEM Pathways and Research Alliance H-LSAMP year 5 (03/01/23-2/28/24).

Andrea Banzatti, Department of Physics, from Space Telescope Science Institute for the project A DSHARP-MIRI Treasury Survey of Chemistry in Planet-forming Regions (04/01/23-05/31/26).

Chris Nice, Department of Biology, from Texas Academy of Science for the project Landscape Genomics of White Oak (section: Quercus) in Trans-Pecos, Tx USA: Environmental Heterogeneity, Ecological Sorting, and the Effects of Habitat on Gene Flow (03/04/23-04/03/24).

Caitlin Gabor, Department of Biology, from U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the project Aquaculture Methods Effects on Hormones in Devils Hole Pupfish (03/21/23-03/03/25).

Yong Yang, Department of Mathematics, from National Science Foundation for the project Conference: China-US Group Theory Summit 2023 (05/01/23-04/30/24).

MARCH 2023

Chris Nice, Department of Biology, from Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts for the project Texas Eurycea Salamander Genomics (02/16/23-05/31/26).

Yihong Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, from Nanohmics, Inc. for the project High Gain Gigawatt Antenna for S and L-Bands (01/09/23-10/10/23).

Heena Rathore, Computer Science, from National Science Foundation for the project CRII: CPS: Cooperative Neuro-Inspired Actor Critic Model for Anomaly Detection in Connected Vehicles (10/01/22-07/31/24).

Chul Ho Lee, Computer Science, from Power21 Corporation for the project Development of Digital Twin-based Energy Management Platform for Improving Operational Reliability (11/01/22-04/30/23).

Eduardo Perez, Ingram School of Engineering, from Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education for the project HSI: Analyzing the Impact of Different Passenger Types when Allocating Airport Security Screening Resources in Security (03/01/23-02/28/24).

Feng Wang and Xiaohua Lou, Ingram School of Engineering, from Texas Department of Transportation for the project Improve Data Quality for Automatized Pavement Distress Data Collection (03/10/23-08/31/24).

Sarah Fritts, Department of Biology, from Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts for the project Statewide Status, Phenology, and Habitat Use of Bats with Particular Focus on Perimyotis Subflavus and Myotis Velifer (03/10/23-05/31/25).

Caitlin Gabor and Megan Flanagan, Department of Biology, from Wichita State University for the project Integrating Individual-Level Juvenile Welfare in Dynamic Habitats Across Time and Space (10/01/22-04/30/25).


Jessica Dutton, Department of Biology, from Matagorda Bay Mitigation Trust for the project Sediment Mercury Concentrations in the Closed Area of Lavaca Bay and the Risk to Wildlife from Mercury Remobilization During Dredging (03/01/23-02/28/26).

Susan Schwinning and Owen Watson, Department of Biology, from Native Plant Society of Texas for the project AMG Graduate Research Grant - Moorhead (01/23/23-12/31/24).

Feng Wang, Jesus Jimenez and Xiaohua Luo, Ingram School of Engineering, from U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration for the project HSI: Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) 2022-2-23 Program - Colby (01/16/23-08/31/23).

Feng Wang, Jesus Jimenez and Xiaohua Luo, Ingram School of Engineering, from U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration for the project HSI: Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) 2022-2-23 program - Mills (01/16/23-08/31/23).

Feng Wang, Jesus Jimenez and Xiaohua Luo, Ingram School of Engineering, from U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration for the project HSI: Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) 2022-2-23 program – Catron (01/16/23-08/31/23).

Stacey Kuleza, Ingram School of Engineering, from Southern Methodist University for the project Enhancing Railroad Workforce Training through Equitable Smart Infrastructure Experiences (08/17/22-05/31/23).

Benjamin Hutchins and Benjamin Schwartz, Edwards Aquifer, from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the project Digitization of Rare Texas Groundwater Invertebrate Collections (11/01/22-10/31/24).

Tanzima Islam, Computer Science, from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for the project Performance Prediction Across Heterogeneous Domains (01/31/23-09/30/23).

Max Warshauer, Mathworks, from H-E-B Tournament of Champions for the project Mathworks Camp (02/09/23-08/31/23)

Max Warshauer, Mathworks, from Austin Community Foundation for the project Mathworks Camp-Silicon Labs Research Initiative (02/09/23-08/31/23).

Timothy Bonner, Department of Biology, from Bio-West, Inc for the project CCAA Mussel Work 2022-2023 (02/18/23-08/31/23).


Kathleen Melhuish, Sharon Strickland, Brittney Ellis and Cody Patterson, Department of Mathematics, from National Science Foundation for the project Structuring Equitable Participation in Undergraduate Proof-Based Courses (01/01/23-12/31/25).

Salah Faroughi, Seyedmeysam Khaleghian and Anahita Emami, Ingram School of Engineering, from U.S. Department of Energy for the project Infrastructure Assessment for Technology Innovation, Development and Training (12/01/22-11/30/23

Karen Lewis and Steven Whitten, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, from Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for the project Creating Equitable Pathways to STEM Graduate Education in the Physical Sciences (01/01/23-11/30/25).

Chris Nice, Department of Biology, from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the project Genetic Diversity of Wild and Refuge Peck’s Cave Amphipod Populations (01/01/23-12/31/24).

Tanzima Islam, Department of Computer Science, from U.S. Department of Energy for the project Scalable Metadata and Provenance Services for Reproducible Hybrid Workflows (09/01/22-08/31/23).

Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, from Texas Department of Transportation Research and Technology for the project Develop a Real-Time Decision Support Tool for Urban Roadway Safety Improvement (01/09/23-12/31/24).

Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, from National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the project Further Testing of Lunar Geopolymer Using In-Situ Resources – TEAM Bobcat Caerus (12/12/22-12/31/24).

Togay Ozbakkaloglu, Ingram School of Engineering, from National Science Foundation for the project NSF I-Corps: StrucTrust: Artificial Intelligence-Based Software Package for End (01/15/23-06/30/23).

Susan Schwinning and Renae Smith, Department of Biology, from Native Plant Society of Texas for the project AMG Graduate Research - Jenkins (01/23/23-01/22/24).

Image of faculty performing research

Faculty Research Awards 2022


Soon Jae Lee, Hyunhwan Kim and Mithil Mazumder, Department of Engineering Technology from Poinix, Inc. for the project Development of Rubberized Asphalt Binder for Low-Noise Double-Layer Pavements (01/01/23-12/31/23).

David Rodriguez and Sarah Fritts, Department of Biology, from Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts for the project Population Monitoring and Assessment of Risks to Brazos and Concho Water Snakes with an Emphasis on Reservoir Populations (11/17/22-03/31/23).

Cody Patterson, Max Warshauer and William Boney, Department of Mathematics, from JP Morgan Chase Trustee of the G.R. White Trust for the project Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp (HSMC) Scholarships (11/29/22-08/31/23).

Stacey Kulesza, Ingram School of Engineering, from University of Arkansas for the project A Mechanistic-Phenomenological Investigation of Fouled Ballast to Support in Situ Identification of Fouling (09/27/22-09/26/24).

Caitlin Gabor, Department of Biology, from Braun & Gresham, Attorneys at Law for the project The Consequences of Land Use Conversion on Fish and Amphibian Biodiversity and the Role Stress, Sperm Quality, and Cognitive Skills on Population Persistence (12/12/22-12/31/23).

Keisuke Ikehata, Ingram School of Engineering, from National Water Research Institute for the project Direct Online Monitoring of Direct Potable Reuse System – Fellow Daniel Leontief (10/31/22-06/30/23).

Yihong Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, Nanohmics, Inc. for the project Electronically Scanned, Multi-band SATCOM Array (09/30/22-09/29/23).

Joseph Veech and Dawn Houston, Department of Biology, from Rob & Bessie Welder Wildlife Foundation for the project Analysis of Upland and Riparian Habitats as Stopover Sites of Migratory Songbird in Central Texas (01/01/23-12/31/23).

Hiroaki Tanaka, Department of Mathematics, from National Science Foundation for the project Conference: South Central Topology Conference II (01/01/23-12/31/23).


Tania Betancourt, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, from National Science Foundation for the project PREM Regional Conference (07/01/21-06/30/27).

Michael Green and Joseph Veech, Department of Biology, from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the project Identification and Evaluation of Non-traditional Wintering Habitat for Whooping Cranes in Texas (01/01/23-08/31/24).

Astrid Schwalb, Department of Biology, from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the project Zebra Mussel Monitoring in Texas Water Bodies and Outreach (10/28/22-08/31/23).

Kristy Daniel, Department of Biology, from National Science Foundation for the project Modeling Tree-Thinking: Measuring Evolutionary Relatedness Understanding and Examining the Interaction of Factors that Influence Tree-Thinking (01/01/23-12/31/24).


Yihong Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, from Nanohmics, Inc. for the project Solar Sail Integrated Antenna Technology (07/25/22-08/25/23).

Xijun Shi and Kristina Collins, Ingram School of Engineering, from National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the project Lunar Concrete for Additive Manufacturing Using Locally Available Resources on the Moon (10/01/22-01/31/23).

Christine Ruey Shan Lee, Department of Mathematics, from National Science Foundation for the project Surfaces and Geometry and Topology of Quantum Link Invariants (09/01/22-08/31/23).

Krishna Kisi and Manusheela Pokharel, Department of Engineering Technology from U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration for the project Susan Harwood Targeted Topic Training Grant – Temperature Extremes (09/30/22-09/30/23).

Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, from Texas Department of Transportation for the project 0-7131 - Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques to Detect, Forecast, and Manage Freeway Congestion (08/08/22-08/31/23).

Maria del Mar Huertas Pau, Department of Biology, from North Carolina State University Research Administration for the project Sex Pheromones in Striped Bass/Sea Grant FY22-23 Aquaculture Supplemental Funding (09/01/22-07/31/23).

Michael Forstner, Department of Biology, from Houston Zoo Inc. for the project Southern Tier Houston Toad Monitoring (01/01/22-12/31/24).

Farhad Ameri, Department of Engineering Technology from National Institute of Standards and Technology for the project Ontology Modeling and Data Integration for Agri Food Supply Chain Traceability IV (10/01/22-09/30/23).


Salah Faroughi, Ingram School of Engineering, from U.S. Department of Energy in the amount of $149,847.00 for the project ESMs Latent Space Exploration for Uncertainty Quantification and Spatiotemporal Downscaling (09/01/22-06/30/24).

Feng Wang and Xiaohua Luo Ingram School of Engineering, from Texas Department of Transportation Civil Rights Division in the amount of $146,115.00 for the project Improve Data Quality for Automated Pavement Data Collection (09/01/22-08/31/23).

Jessica Bishop, Department of Mathematics, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $351,072.00 for the project MCA: Toward Analyses of Mathematics Classroom Discourse At Scale Using Tools From Applied Mathematics (01/01/23-12/31/25).

Marilyn Banta, Department of Biology, from Joint Admission Medical Program in the amount of $15,294 for the project JAMP Program FY2023 (09/01/22-08/31/23)

Robert McLean, Department of Biology, from National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the amount of $174,000.00 for the project Polymicrobial Biofilm Growth and Control During Spaceflight (09/01/22-08/31/24).

Yihong Chen, Wilhelmus Geerts, Karl Stephan, Jitendra Tate, Harold Stern, Ravindranath Droopad and Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, from U. S. Department of Defense in the amount of $548,700.00 for the project HSI: Acquisition of Wide Frequency Band Characterization System for Electronic Devices, Antennas, and Intelligent Materials (08/01/22-07/31/23).

Benjamin Schwartz, Edwards Aquifer Research, from City of San Marcos in the amount of $95,000.00 for the project Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between Texas State University and the City of San Marcos, Texas for the Provision of Water Quality Analytical Testing (11/16/21-11/15/22).

Andrea Banzatti, Department of Physics, from Space Telescope Science Institute Grants Administration in the amount of $27,623.00 for the project The Chemistry of Planet Formation: A JWST-ALMA Survey of 4 Planet-Forming Disks (08/01/22-07/31/25).

Andrea Banzatti, Department of Physics, from Space Telescope Science Institute Grants Administration in the amount of $32,851.00 for the project Preparing for Planets: The Impact of the Extraordinary Outburst of EX Lup on its Circumstellar Disk (08/01/22-07/31/25).

Tanzima Islam, Department of Computer Science, from U. S Department of Energy Office of Acquisition & Assistance in the amount of $144,226.00 for the project INTELYTICS: An Efficient Data-Driven Decision-Making Engine for Performance In the Era of Heterogeneity (07/01/22-06/30/23).

Yihong Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, from Electroninks, Inc. in the amount of $19,455.00 for the project Aerosol Jet Printing and Evaluation of Innovative Electronic Inks (09/01/22-12/15/22).

Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, from American Concrete Institute Foundation in the amount of $57,499.00 for the project Multiscale Reinforcement of Hybrid Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (06/15/22-06/14/23).

Wilhelmus Geerts, Department of Physics, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $121,364.00 for the project MRI: Development of Full Vector Vibrating Sample Magnetometry for Materials Research and Education (09/01/22-08/31/24).

Jung Yeon and Togay Ozbakkaloglu, Ingram School of Engineering, from American Concrete Institute Foundation amount of $57,500.00 for the project Development of a Phase Change Material-Based Heat-Absorbing Surface Covering for Concrete Pavements/Bridge Decks (07/05/22-08/31/23).

Feng Wang, Jelena Tesic and Xiaohua Luo, Ingram School of Engineering, from Texas Department of Transportation Civil Rights Division in the amount of $451,875.00 for the project Artificial Intelligence for Pavement Condition Assessment from 2D/3D Surface Images (08/10/22-08/31/23).

Anton Dochtermann, Department of Mathematics, from Simons Foundation in the amount of $42,000.00 for the project Topics in Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics (09/01/22-08/31/27).

Yong Yang, Department of Mathematics, from Simons Foundation in the amount of $42,000.00 for the project Group Representations and Group Invariants (09/01/22-08/31/27).


Blagoy Rangelov, Department of Physics, from NASA in the amount of $76,698.00 for the project Multi-wavelength Classification of X-ray Sources in Spiral Galaxies (06/14/22-06/13/25).

Semih Aslan and Damian Valles Molina, Ingram School of Engineering, from Stratajam LLC in the amount of $121,010.00 for the project Use of Machine Learning and a Unique Sensor Package to Analyze the Walls of Mineral Exploration and Geotechnical Boreholes and Report the Results in Real-Time to the Customer Using a Secure Web Portal (07/08/22-09/30/22).

Andrea Banzatti and Anusha Kalyaan, Department of Physics, from Space Telescope Science Institute Grants Administration in the amount of $54,510.00 for the project The Infrared Water Spectrum as a Tracer of Pebble Delivery to Rocky Planets (07/01/22-06/30/23).

Meysam Khaleghian, Salah Faroughi, Ryan Anderson, and Anahita Emami Department of Engineering Technology, from U.S. Department of Agriculture in the amount of $270,119.00 for the project HSI: Smart Farm Program (08/01/22-07/31/26).

Feng Wang and Xiaohua Lou, Ingram School of Engineering, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $249,999.00 for the project PFI-TT: Using Artificial Intelligence to Improve the Accuracy of Automated Pavement Condition Data Collection (07/15/22-06/30/24).

Ryan Peterson, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, from National Institutes of Health/National Institute of General Medical in the amount of $176,864.00 for the project Mechanisms for Cellular Copper Import via Secreted Cuproproteins (07/21/22-06/30/23).

Cecil Compeau, Ingram School of Engineering, from Texas Space Consortium in the amount of $1,000.00 for the project Radiation-Tolerant Graphics Processing Unit (RGPU) Architecture Investigation - Team Photon (06/01/22-05/31/23).

Mar Huertas Pau, Department of Biology, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $298,134.00 for project the EAGER: Environmental Nitrite is a Nitric Oxide Donor that Modulates Fish Olfactory Function (01/15/23-12/31/24).

Eduardo Perez, Ingram School of Engineering, from Arizona State University in the amount of $77,793.00 for the project Center of Excellence for Accelerating Operational Efficiency (CAOE): Robust Workforce Management at a Network of Screening Facilities (07/01/22-06/30/23).

Bahram Asiabanpour, Ingram School of Engineering, from U.S. Department of Agriculture in the amount of $50,000.00 for the project SCRP22 Mexico Soil Health at Texas State (09/01/22-08/31/24).

Karen Lewis, Steven Whitten, Alexander Kornienko, Sean Kerwin, Xiaoyu Xue and Ryan Peterson, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $265,280.00 for the project MRI: Acquisition of Automated Isothermal Titration Calorimeter for Biophysical Research at Texas State University (09/01/22-08/31/25).

Robert McLean, Department of Biology, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $29,999.00 for the project Collaborative Research: ISS: Biofilm Inhibition with Germicidal Light Side-Emitted from Nano-enabled Flexible Optical Fibers in Water Systems (10/01/22-09/30/25).

JULY 2022

Eduardo Perez, Ingram School of Engineering, from Oak Ridge Institute for Science in the amount of $50,000.00 for the project A Simulation-Based Data Driven Approach to Manage the Allocation of Airport Security Screening Resources in Airport Terminal Checkpoints (05/01/21-04/30/22.

Yihong Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, from SurgePower Materials, Inc. in the amount of $3,000.00 for the project Preparation and Evaluation of Graphene Inks (06/15/22-09/14/22).

Jacob Fillman, Department of Mathematics, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $248,177.00 for the From Cantor to Bethe-Sommerfeld: Phase Transitions in Aperiodic Media (09/01/22-08/31/24).

Todd Hudnall, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, from American Chemical Society in the amount of $110,000.00 for the Enhancing Catalytic Activity at P-Block Element Centers Through Coordination to Electrophilic Carbene Ligands (09/01/22-08/31/24).

Yihong Chen and Tanzima Islam, Ingram School of Engineering, from Nanohmics, Inc. in the amount of $340,000.00 for the project Additive Manufacturing Process Kits For RF Components (06/17/22-05/09/24).

JUNE 2022

Yong Yang and Thomas Keller, Department of Mathematics, from National Security Agency in the amount of $67,998.00 for the project REU Site: Algebra, Combinatorics and Statistics (04/27/22-04/26/23).

Keisuke Ikehata, Ingram School of Engineering, from Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Advanced Technology R&D Center in the amount of $15,897.00 for the project Consultation for the International Standardization of Water Reuse and Investigation of New Advanced Technologies in Water and Wastewater Treatment (04/18/22-03/31/23).

Anthony Torres, Department of Engineering Technology, from Universities Space Research Association, in the amount of $350,000.00 for the project Understanding the Effect of Vibration on the Crystallization of ZBLAN (05/02/22-05/01/24).

Feng Wang, Yihong Yuan and Xiaohua Luo, Ingram School of Engineering, from Texas Department of Transportation in the amount of $49,999.00 for the project National Summer Transportation Institute (05/31/22-08/31/22).

Young Ju Lee, Department of Mathematics, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $350,017.00 for the project Coupled Flow and Transports Modeling and Simulation of Complex Fluids and Extreme Weather Patterns by Harnessing Data (06/01/22-05/31/25).

Anthony Torres, Department of Engineering Technology, from TX Department of Transportation Research & Technology, in the amount of $107,509.00 for the project Use of Rapid Setting Hydraulic Cement (RSHC) for Structural App FY23 (08/30/22-08/31/23).

Michael Forstner, Department of Biology, from Bastrop County, in the amount of $95,275.00 for the project 2022 Community Center Houston Toad Avoidance and Minimization (06/01/22-08/31/23).

Cecil Compeau, Ingram School of Engineering, from University of Texas at Austin Texas Space Grant Consortium in the amount of $500.00 for the project Design Challenge project Dual-Use Wideband Microphone Array System Challenge for Team Aurora (06/01/22-08/31/23).

MAY 2022

Susan Schwinning, Department of Biology, from Native Prairie Association of Texas, in the amount of $25,464.00 for the project Establishment of a Prairie Restoration Demonstration Site at the Dowell Ranch, Austin, TX, based on the management goals of NPATBUP (05/01/22-04/30/25).

Jessica Dutton, Dale Blasingame and Sara Shields, Department of Biology, from Texas Sea Grant College Program of Texas A&M, in the amount of $190,902.00 for the project Validating a Conceptual Framework for Resistance in Investigative Interviewing/Relationship Between Mercury and Selenium Concentrations in Texas Offshore. (02/01/22-01/31/24).

Michael Forstner, Department of Biology, from AT&T Sites, in the amount of $117,590.00 for the project from Houston Toad Monitoring and Management at AT&T Work Sites (04/27/22-03/31/23).

Karen Lewis and Brittany Vinciguerra, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, from National Science Foundation, in the amount of $304,073.00 for the project CheMICE: A Chemistry REU in Molecular Innovation and Career Exploration (04/15/22-03/31/25).

Zhijie Dong, Ingram School of Engineering, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $50,000.00 for the project I-Corps: Social Media Misinformation Interactive Dashboard (05/01/22-10/31/22).

Soon Jae Lee, Department of Engineering Technology, from INSURG AT&T Co. LTD, in the amount of $25,404.00 for the project Evaluation Method and Specification on Bonding Strength of Emulsified Asphalt Signatures (01/01/22-09/30/22).

Hwa Young Lee, Department of Mathematics, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $293,841.00 for the project Collaborative Research: Middle School Students Graphing from the Ground Up (06/01/22-05/31/25).

David Schilter, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, from National Science Foundation, in the amount of $15,050.00 for the project Central Texas PREM: A Partnership Between Texas State University and The University of Texas at Austin's MRSEC (07/01/21-06/30/27).

APRIL 2022

Cecil Compeau, Ingram School of Engineering, from Texas Space Grant Consortium in the amount of $1,200.00 for the project Dual-Use Wideband Microphone Array System Challenge (09/01/21-12/31/21).

Nestor Guillen Matheus, Department of Mathematics, from Nationals Science Foundation in the amount of $118,507.00 for the project CAREER: Integra-Differential and Transport Problems in Partial Differential Equations (07/01/22-06/30/27).

Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, from Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates Inc. in the amount of $5,129.00 for the project Microstructural Analysis for Concrete (03/17/22-08/31/22).

Timothy Bonner and Melissa Wolter, Department of Biology, from Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, in the amount of $1,500.00 for the project American Fisheries Society Scholarship (01/20/22-12/31/22).

Christopher Rhodes, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, from Office of Naval Research, in the amount of $75,001.00 for the project Unitized Regenerative Fuel Cells for Undersea Refuellable Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (04/01/22-03/31/25).

Michael Forstner, Department of Biology, from Bastrop County, in the amount of $130,412.00 for the project Houston Toad Minimization and Avoidance: 2022 Bastrop County Fuels Task Order 2 (03/20/22-03/20/24).

Dan Tamir, Department of Computer Science, from Oak Ridge Institute for Science in the amount of $50,000.00 for the project Harnessing Distributed Ledger Technology for the US Coast Guard Mission and Operations Support (03/01/22-02/28/23).

Gregory Passty, College of Science and Engineering, from Texas Southern University in the amount of $96,331.00 for the project HSI: Louis Stokes STEM Pathways and Research Alliance H-LSAMP Year 4 (03/01/22-02/28/23).

Nikoleta Theodoropoulou, Department of Physics, from First Solar Inc, in the amount of $88,545.00 for the project Validating a Conceptual Framework for Resistance in Investigative Interviewing (04/01/22-12/31/22).

Salah Faroughi, Ingram School of Engineering, from Nationals Science Foundation in the amount of $50,000.00 for the project NSF I-CORPS: Asset Scope: Edge Intelligence Platform for Continuous Monitoring in Smart Infrastructures (04/01/22-09/30/22).

Krishna Kisi, Department of Engineering Technology, from TEXO Education and Research Foundation in the amount of $5,000.00 for the project Purchase of 3D Laser Scanner (12/20/21-11/30/22).

Hyunhwan Kim, Department of Engineering Technology, from Korea Petroleum Industries Company in the amount of $5,000.00 for the project Research on Company Trends in the US Asphalt Industry (03/01/22-09/30/22).

MARCH 2022

Yong Yang and Thomas Keller, Department of Mathematics, from Nationals Science Foundation in the amount of $305,418.00 for the project REU Site: Algebra, Combinatorics and Statistics (03/01/22-02/28/25).

Paul Dawkins, Kathleen Melhuish and Kristen Lew, Department of Mathematics, from Nationals Science Foundation in the amount of $600,000.00 for the project Generating a Research-Informed Transition to a Mathematical Proof Curriculum (07/01/22-06/30/25).

Anthony Torres, Department of Engineering Technology, from New Mexico Tech in the amount of $10,000.00 for the project Effect of Vibrations on the Crystal Formation of Novel Spaced Based Construction Materials (12/02/21-12/01/22).

Jessica Dutton, Department of Biology, from Texas A&M University, in the amount of $92,031.00 for the project Trophic Linkages and Habitat Connectivity of Popular Sportfish in the Matagorda Bay System (03/01/22-02/28/25).

Kecheng Yang and Hee Hiong Ngu, Department of Computer Science, from Nationals Science Foundation in the amount of $389,995.00 for the project REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Edge Computing (03/01/22-02/28/25).


Wilhelmus Geerts, Department of Physics, from FAS Holdings Group in the amount of $105,359.00 for the project Manufacturing 27%-efficient Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Photovoltaic Cells Using Slot Die Coating at >5000 Wafers Per Hour (10/01/21-11/30/22).

Feng Wang and Jesus Jimenez, Ingram School of Engineering, from U. S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration in the amount of $8,500.00 for the project HSI: Administration of the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) Local Competition at Texas State University (12/20/21-08/31/22).

Feng Wang and Jesus Jimenez, Ingram School of Engineering, from U. S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration in the amount of $7,000.00 for the project HSI: Administration of the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) Local Competition at Texas State University (12/20/21-08/31/22).

Damian Valles Molina and Ting Liu, Ingram School of Engineering, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $344,029.00 for the project REU Site: Undergraduate Research Experiences in Machine Learning, Analytics, and Augmented Reality for Smart and Connected Health (01/15/22-12/31/24).

Yihong Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, from Nanohmics, Inc. in the amount of $2,000.00 for the project Small Form Factor UHF SATCOM Patch Antenna (02/02/22-02/28/22).

Timothy Bonner, Department of Biology, from Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, in the amount of $450,000.00 for the project East Texas Mussel Surveys and Tolerances (02/01/22-02/28/25).

Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, from National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the amount of $1,500.00 for the project Geopolymer for Future Lunar 3D Construction  (01/07/22-12/31/22).


Benjamin Schwartz, Edwards Aquifer, from City of San Marcos in the amount of $95,000.00 for the project Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between Texas State University and City of San Marcos for the Provisions of Water Quality Analytical Testing Services (11/16/21-11/15/22).

Chul-Ho Lee, Department of Computer Science, from SK Hynix American Inc. in the amount of $48,000.00 for the project Computational Storage for Scalable AI (12/01/21-11/30/22).

Christopher Serenari and Elena Rubino, Department of Biology, from Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program in the amount of $109,182.00 for the project Black Skimmer Conservation Along the Texas Gulf Coast (12/17/21-01/31/24).

Chul-Ho Lee, Department of Computer Science, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $190,609.00 for the project III: Small: Collaborative Research: Cost-Effective Samplings & Estimation from Large Scale Networks (11/15/21-09/30/23).

Ryan Peterson, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, from U.S. Department of Agriculture-NIFA National Institute of Food & Agriculture in the amount of $300,000.00 for the project Elucidating the Metal Cell Biology of Saprolegnia Parasitica (01/01/22-12/31/23).

Yung Yeon, Sangchul Hwang, Togay Ozbakkaloglu and In-Hyouk Song, Ingram School of Engineering, from Seoul Institute of Technology in the amount of $326,552.00 for the project Development of IoT-based Snow Removal System for Preemptive Response to Heavy Snow and Black Ice (09/01/21-12/31/23).

Chul-Ho Lee, Department of Computer Science, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $225,760.00 for the project Collaborative Research: CNS Core: Small: Closing the Theory-Practice Gap in Understanding and Combating Epidemic Spreading on Resource-Constrained Large-Scale Networks (11/15/21-09/30/23).

Feng Wang and Jesus Jimenez, Ingram School of Engineering, from U. S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration in the amount of $10,000.00 for the project HSI: Administration of the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) Local Competition at Texas State University (12/20/21-08/31/22).

Jessica Dutton and Dale Blasingame, Department of Biology, from Texas Sea Grant College Program Texas A&M in the amount of $190,902.00 for the project Validating a Conceptual Framework for Resistance in Investigative Interviewing (02/01/22-01/31/24).

Caitlin Gabor and Dillon Monroe, Department of Biology, from Braun & Gresham, Attorneys at Law in the amount of $3,400.00 for the project The Relationship Between Land Use Conversion, Stress, Cognitive Skills and Fish and Biodiversity (01/01/22-12/31/23).


Faculty and student in research lab
faculty and student in chemistry lab

Faculty Research Awards 2021


Astrid Schwalb, Department of Biology, from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in the amount of $67,310.00 for the project Zebra Mussel Monitoring in Texas Water Bodies (11/18/21-08/31/22).

Astrid Schwalb, Department of Biology, from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in the amount of $97,190.00 for the project Assessing Ammonia Toxicity in Texas Unionid Mussels (12/14/21-08/30/24).

Stacey Kulesza, Ingram School of Engineering, from Kansas State University in the amount of $58,879.00 for the project A Study of Intermediate Geomaterials and Highly Erodible Rock (10/01/21-11/30/22).

Stacey Kulesza, Ingram School of Engineering, from Kansas State University in the amount of $44,732.00 for the project Predicting Critical Shear Stress of Cohesive Sediments/Soils in Riverbeds (01/01/22-05/31/23).

Soon Jae Lee, Hyunhwan Kim and Mithil Mazumder, Department of Engineering Technology, from Poinix, Inc in the amount of $35,044.00 for the project Development of Rubberized Asphalt Binder for Low-Noise Double-Layer Pavements (01/01/22-12/31/22).


Michael Forstner, Department of Biology, from Texas Department of Transportation in the amount of $150,000.00 for the project Farm-To-Market Road (FM) 109 at Cumming Creek Bridge Improvement Project Located in Colorado County, Texas (06/18/21-12/31/24).

Vangelis Metsis, Hee Hiong Ngu, Hongchi Shi and Ju Gao, Department of Computer Science, from U.S. Department of Education in the amount of $202,264.00 for the project Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need – Computer and Information Science (10/01/21-09/30/22).

Stacey Kulesza, Ingram School of Engineering, from University of Kansas in the amount of $48,621.00 for the project Development of a Geotechnical Asset Management System (09/01/21-10/14/22).

Michael Clay Green, Department of Biology, from Coast Bend Audobon Society in the amount of $1,000.00 for the project Assessing the Success of Dimorphic Reddish Egret Nests Based on Nest Attendance and Habitat Structure Along the Texas Coast (10/0121-09/30/22).

Keisuke Ikehata, Ingram School of Engineering, from Mitsubishi Electric Corp in the amount of $9,100.00 for the project Consultation for the International Standardization of Water Reuse and Investigation of New Advanced Technologies in Water and Wastewater Treatment (10/18/21-03/31/22).

Yihong Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, from Northrop Grumman in the amount of $10,000.00 for the project Emerging Low-Cost Reconfigurable Electronics Year 2 (10/08/21-10/07/22).


Thersa Westbrook and Emily Kyung Jin Suh, Department of Mathematics, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Adult and Development Education in the amount of $100,000.00 for the project 2021 College Readiness Model (08/20/21-08/31/23).

Eleanor Close, Leslie Huling, Hunter Close and Cynthia Luxford, Department of Physics, National Science Foundation in the amount of $54,627.00 supplemental funding for the project COVID: Responsive, Attentive, Dialogic, and Interactive Noyce Scholars (08/12/21-05/31/22).

Jason Martina, Department of Biology, National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the amount of $250,570.00 for the project Integrating Systems Models and Remote Sensing to Explore Aquatic Ecosystem Vulnerability to Global Change in Lake Huron (09/01/21-08/31/24).

Astrid Schwalb, Weston Hugh Nowlin and Benjamin Schwartz, Department of Biology, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers in the amount of $333,581.00 for the project Examining Changes to Hyporheic Exchange Flow and Nutrient Dynamics and their Interaction with Microbial, Algal, and Macroinvertebrate Communities in Response to Drying and Re-wetting in Texas Rivers (09/30/21-09/29/22).

Weston Hugh Nowlin, Astrid Schwalb and Benjamin Schwartz, Department of Biology, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers in the amount of $135,620.00 for the project Examining Changes to Hyporheic Exchange Flow and Nutrient Dynamics and their Interaction with Microbial, Algal, and Macroinvertebrate Communities in Response to Drying and Re-wetting in Texas Rivers (09/30/21-09/29/22).

Benjamin Schwartz, Astrid Schwalb and Weston Hugh Nowlin, Department of Biology, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers in the amount of $526,933.00 for the project Examining Changes to Hyporheic Exchange Flow and Nutrient Dynamics and their Interaction with Microbial, Algal, and Macroinvertebrate Communities in Response to Drying and Re-wetting in Texas Rivers (09/30/21-09/29/22).

Farhad Ameri, Department of Engineering Technology, National Institute of Standards & Technology  in the amount of $86,436.00 for the project Ontology Modeling Data Integration for Agri-Food Supply Chain Traceability, Phase III (10/01/21-09/30/22).

Paula Williamson, Chad Booth, Mary Cavitt and Kambra Bolch, Department of Biology, U.S. Department of Education in the amount of $988,687.00 for the project Generacion STEM - Promoting Hispanic and Low-Income Student Success through Individualized Support, Transfer Navigation, and STEM Career Preparation (10/01/21-09/30/22).

William Boney, Department of Mathematics, National Science Foundation in the amount of $79,103.00 for the project HSI:LEAPS-MPS: Fragments of Compactness Year 1 (09/15/21-08/31/23).

William Boney, Department of Mathematics, National Science Foundation in the amount of $91,263.00 for the project HSI:LEAPS-MPS: Fragments of Compactness Year 2 (09/15/21-08/31/23).

Michael Forstner, Department of Biology, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in the amount of $25,000.00 for the project Prescribed Fire on the Griffith League Ranch 2021 (10/7/21-09/30/22).

Michael Forstner, Department of Biology, Texas Department of Transportation in the amount of $150,000.00 for the project Farm-to-Market Road (FM) 2000 Road Improvement Project Located in Burleson County, Texas (06/15/21-12/31/2024).

Michael Forstner, Department of Biology, Bastrop County in the amount of $89,125.00 for the project Houston Toad Monitoring: 2021Task Order Gotier Trace (10/15/21-01/15/22).

Martin Burtscher, Department of Computer Science, U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science in the amount of $195,249.00 for the project Automatic Generation of Algorithms for High-Speed Reliable Lossy Compression (09/01/21-08/31/22).

Krishna Kisi and Bobbi Spencer, Department of Engineering Technology, U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration  in the amount of $151,343.00 for the project Susan Harwood Targeted Topic Training Grant – Fall Prevention/Protection (09/30/21-09/30/22).

Krishna Kisi, Rodney Rohde and Arzu Ari, Department of Engineering Technology, U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration  in the amount of $151,343.00 for the project COVID: Infectious Diseases, Including COVID-19 (09/30/21-03/31/23).


Michael Forstner, Department of Biology, Texas Department of Transportation in the amount of $640,775.00 for the project Endangered Species Act Assessment, Monitoring and Avoidance (08/09/21-08/31/23).

Hee Hiong Ngu, Department of Computer Science, National Science Foundation in the amount of $910,249.00 for the project Collaborative Research: SCH: Personalized Watch-based Fall Risk Analysis and Detection with Cross Modal Learning (09/01/21-08/31/25).

Yoichi Miyahara, Department of Physics, National Science Foundation in the amount of $419,999.00 for the project MRI: Development of a Scanning Single-Electron Box Electrometer Microscope for Studying Quantum Electronic Devices and Quantum Materials (09/01/21-8/31/23).

Lauren Fuess, Department of Biology, National Academy of Sciences NAS-NRC Programs in the amount of $76,000.00 for the project Early Career Fellowship, Environmental Protection and Stewardship Track (09/01/21-08/31/23).

Carolyn Pesthy, Department of Biology, JAMP Program 2022 in the amount of $17,002.00 for the project Joint Admission Medical Program (09/01/21-08/31/22).

Jason Martina, Department of Biology, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in the amount of $98,537.00 for the project Using Remote Sensing to Map Arundo Donax Populations in Native Fish Conservation Areas Throughout Texas to Getter Understand Causal Factors of Invasion and Set Management Priorities (09/01/21-08/31/23).

Jesus Jimenez, Robert Wright, Francis Mendez, Eduardo Perez and Anahita Emami, Ingram School of Engineering, from Texas Workforce Commission in the amount of $275,063.00 for the project Phase 3 – Quality Assurance of New and Existing Products to Support Texas State (09/01/21-08/31/23).

Zhijie Dong, Benjamin Zhan and Feng Wang, Ingram School of Engineering, from Texas Department of Transportation Research and Technology in the amount of $111,922.00 for the project Determine Evacuation Planning Design of Disaster Resilience (09/01/21-08/31/22).

Feng Wang, John Schemmel and Xiaohua Luo, Ingram School of Engineering, from Texas Department of Transportation Civil Rights Division in the amount of $141,740.00 for the project Improve Data Quality for Automated Pavement Distress Data Collection (09/01/21-08/31/22).

Anthony Torres, Department of Engineering Technology, Texas Department of Transportation Research and Technology in the amount of $101,796.00 for the project Use of Rapid Setting Hydraulic Cement for Structural App FY22 (09/01/21-08/31/22).

Susan Morey and Alexander White, Department of Mathematics, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board College Readiness Initiatives in the amount of $32,500.00 for the project Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board 2021 Completion Model (08/20/21-08/31/22).


Tania Betancourt, Benjamin Martin, Jennifer Irvin, Nikoleta Theodoropoulou, William Brittain, Christopher Rhodes, Sean Kerwin, Mark Wistey and Yoichi Miyahara, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $632,450.00 for the project Central Texas PREM: A Partnership Between Texas State University and The University of Texas at Austin's MRSEC (07/01/21-06/30/27).

Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, National Science Foundation in the amount of $50,000.00 for the project I-Corps: Plient Concrete: A Cost-Effective, Sustainable Infrastructure Material (07/15/21-12/31/21).

Sarah Fritts, Department of Biology, Bowman Consulting Group in the amount of $16,800.00 for the project Understanding Interspecific Differences Between Male and Female Bat Collision Risk to Inform Minimization Strategies (07/22/21-04/30/23).

Stan McClellan, Ingram School of Engineering, from Jacobs Technology in the amount of $155,209.00 for the project Jacobs “JETS” Task Order - McCarthy (08/02/21-04/30/22).

Stan McClellan, Ingram School of Engineering, from Jacobs Technology in the amount of $155,209.00 for the project Jacobs “JETS” Task Order – A. Jagge (08/07/21-04/30/22).

Timothy Bonner, Department of Biology, Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority in the amount of $15,000.00 for the project Assessment of Stream Reaches for Conservation and Restoration of Guadalupe Orb and False Spike in the Guadalupe River Basin (08/10/21-08/09/2024).

Camila Carlos-Shanley, Department of Biology, US Fish & Wildlife Service in the amount of $23,954.00 for the project Microbiome of Comal Springs Riffle Beetles (09/01/20-08/31/21).

Jessica Dutton, Department of Biology, Texas A&M University in the amount of $142,564.00 for the project Mercury and Plastic in Commercial and Recreational Fisheries in Lavaca, Matagorda, and San Antonio Bays: Risk Assessment and Interaction between the Two Contaminants (03/01/21-02/28/22).

JULY 2021

Karen Lewis, Robert McLean and Sean Kerwin, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, from National Institutes of Health in the amount of $143,033.00 for the project U-RISE at Texas State University (04/01/21-03/31/22).

Keisuke Ikehata, Ingram School of Engineering, U.S. Department of the Interior in the amount of $149,999.00 for the project Development of Multi-parameter Direct Water Quality Monitoring System to Achieve the Circular Society for Water (06/25/21-12/31/22).

Kecheng Yang, Department of Computer Science, National Science Foundation in the amount of $175,000.00 for the project CRII: CNS: Supporting Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Systems on Heterogeneous Platforms (07/01/21-06/30/23).

Semih Aslan, Ingram School of Engineering, from Stratajam LLC in the amount of $12,934.00 for the project Smart Headache Rack System (06/30/21-09/30/21).

David Rodriguez, Department of Biology, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $635,333.00 for the CAREER: Unraveling Post-Invasion Dynamics of the Amphibian-Killing Fungus Via Rapid Genetic Diversity Assessments of Both Hosts and Pathogens (09/01/21-08/31/25).

JUNE 2021

Nikoleta Theodoropoulou and Wilhelmus Geerts, Department of Physics, from Department of Defense in the amount of $278,778.00 for the project Enhanced Optical, Electrical, and Magnetic measurement capabilities for Materials and Device Studies in Research and Education (05/10/21-05/09/22).

Karen Lewis, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, from Boise State University in the amount of $37,634.00 for the project Regulation of Collagen Type I Expression by Chaperone-Mediated mRNA Remodeling (05/01/21-04/30/23).

Soon Jae Lee and Hyunhwan Kim, Department of Engineering Technology, from Poinix, Inc. in the amount of $35,329.00 for the project Development of rubberized asphalt binder for double-layer low-noise pavements (04/01/21-12/31/2021).

Stan McClellan, Ingram School of Engineering, from Jacobs Technology in the amount of $107,612.00 for the project Jacobs "JETS" Task Order-STO-000143-M.Thorpe (06/14/21-04/30/22).

Alexander Kornienko, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, from Baylor University in the amount of $27,000.00 for the project Informed Natural Product Derivatization (01/01/21-12/31/21).

Yong Yang, Department of Mathematics, from American Mathematical Society in the amount of $2,300.00 for the project AMS Fan Fund 2021 (06/01/21-08/31/21).

MAY 2021

Maria del Mar Huertas Pau and Camila Carlos-Shanley, Department of Biology, from U.S. Dept of Agriculture - NIFA in the amount of $298,560.00 for the project Development Of Nasal And Gut Probiotics To Protect Intensive Catfish Culture Against Edwardsiella Ictaluri Infections (09/01/21-08/31/23).

Timothy Bonner, Department of Biology, from Lower Colorado River Authority in the amount of $50,000.00 for the project Distributional and Habitat Surveys to Assess Potential Future Restoration and Reintroduction Sites for Texas Fatmucket in the Upper Colorado River Basin (04/30/21-10/31/23).

Keisuke Ikehata, Ingram School of Engineering, from U.S. Department of the Interior Denver Federal Center  in the amount of $250,000.00 for the project Enhanced Water Recover by a Combination of Photobiological Process and Secondary Reverse Osmosis Lifecycle Cost Analysis and Mini-Pilot Study (03/23/21-06/30/23).

Farhad Ameri and Seyedmeysam Khaleghian, Department of Engineering Technology, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $392,737.00 for the project REU Site: Multidisciplinary Research Experience for Undergraduates in Advanced Manufacturing (05/15/21-04/30/24).

Hiroaki Tanaka, Department of Mathematics, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $84,058.00 for the project CAREER: Higher Algebra and Symplectic Geometry (08/01/21-07/31/26).

APRIL 2021

Yong Yang and Thomas Keller, Department of Mathematics from National Security Agency in the amount of $88,137.00 for the project NSA REU Algebra, Combinatorics and Statistics (04/15/21-04/15/23).

Jessica Dutton, Department of Biology, from Texas A & M University in the amount of $142,564.00 for the project Mercury and Plastic in Commercial and Recreational Fisheries in Lavaca, Matagorda, and San Antonio Bays: Risk Assessment and Interaction between the Two Contaminants (03/01/21-02/28/22).

Feng Wang and Xiaohua Luo, Ingram School of Engineering, from Texas Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration in the amount of $50,000.00 for the project National Summer Transportation Institute (03/26/21-11/30/22).

Eduardo Perez, Ingram School of Engineering, from Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education in the amount of $50,000.00 for the project A Simulation-Based Data Driven Approach to Manage the Allocation of Airport Security Screening Resources in Airport Terminal Checkpoints (05/01/21-04/30/22).

Eduardo Perez, Ingram School of Engineering, from Arizona State University in the amount of $14,682.00 for the project A Simulation-Based Data Driven Approach to Manage the Allocation of Airport Security Screening Resources in Airport Terminal Checkpoints (05/02/21-05/01/22).

Max Warshauer, Department of Mathematics, from American Mathematical Society in the amount of $8,300.00 for the project Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp (03/24/21-02/28/22).

MARCH 2021

Zhijie Dong, Ingram School of Engineering, from National Science Foundation a budget increase in the  amount of $48,545.00 for the project CRII:CIF:CRII:CIF: A Machine Learning-based Computational Framework for Large-Scale Stochastic Programming (07/29/20-05/32/22).

Blagoy Rangelov, Department of Physics, from Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in the amount of $32,756.00 for the project Survey of Gamma-Ray Pulsars (01/11/21-01/10/22).

Clay Green, Department of Biology, from Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program in the amount of $1,000.00 for the project Assessing Optimal Foraging Habitat of Wintering Reddish Egrets in the Laguna Madre, Texas. (11/01/20-12/10/21).

Rachel Davenport, Department of Biology, from Texas Higher Ed Coordinating Board in the amount of $5,000.00 for the project THECB OER GREER GRANT (01/11/21-01/10/22).

Christopher Rhodes, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, from Office of Naval Research in the amount of $35,805.00 for the project Three-Dimensional Nickel Hydroxide Cathodes for Energy Dense, Safe Nickel-Zinc Batteries (02/16/21-02/15/24).

Gregory Passty, College of Science and Engineering, from Texas Southern University in the amount of $96,331.00 for the project HSI: Louis Stokes STEM Pathways and Research Alliance H-LSAMP Year 3 (03/01/21-02/28/22).

Timothy Bonner, Department of Biology, from Cardno, Inc. in the amount of $9,356.00 for the project CARDNO: Pier Installation on US83 Crossing at Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos (03/05/21-12/31/21).

Anthony Torres, Department of Engineering Technology, from Minnesota Department of Transportation in the amount of $100,000.00 for the project Enhanced Entrained Air Void System Characterization for Durable Highway Concrete (03/08/21-09/30/22).


Timothy Bonner, Department of Biology, from Bio-West, Inc. a budget increase in the amount of $25,000.00 for the project Biological Monitoring in the Comal and San Marcos Spring Systems (01/01/14-12/15/21).

Soon-Jae Lee, Yoo Jae Kim and Hyunhwan Kim, Ingram School of Engineering, from Korea a budget increase in the amount of $34,200.00 for the project Development of Road Pavement Quality Management System Based on IoT Technology - Analysis of quality management of asphalt concrete pavement construction (04/30/19-12/31/21).

Noland Martin, Department of Biology, from Braun & Gresham (Ecolab) in the amount of $7,688.00 for the project Berberis Habitat Associations (01/01/21-12/31/21).

Jason Martina and Paula Williamson, Department of Biology, from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in the amount of $99,292.00 for the project Habitat Assessment, Monitoring, and Landowner Outreach for Leavenworthia Texana and Physaria Pallida (01/25/21-12/31/23).

Keisuke Ikehata, Ingram School of Engineering, from Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in the amount of $18,470.00 for the project New Application Survey of Water and Wastewater Treatment Using Ozonation (01/18/21-03/31/21).

Jelena Tesic, Department of Computer Science, from Mayachitra, Inc. in the amount of $99,993.00 for the project Object Cueing Using Biomimetic Approaches to Visual Information Processing (01/11/21-12/17/22).

Feng Wang and Xiaohua Luo, Ingram School of Engineering, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $50,000.00 for the project I-Corps StarImage: Cost-effectiveness Improved Automated Pavement Condition Survey System (01/15/21-06/30/21).

Yoichi Miyahara, Department of Physics, from National Science Foundation in the amount of $82,521.00 for the project CAREER: Characterization of Quantum Dot Qubits by Scannable Mechanical Resonator (02/01/21-01/31/26).

Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, from National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the amount of $1,500.00 for the project HSI: Living Building Materials for Lunar and Martian Construction (01/08/21-01/07/22).

Christopher Serenari, Kristy Daniel and Elena Rubino, Department of Biology, from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in the amount of $105,000.00 for the project Testing Communication Strategies to Increase Houston Toad Safe Harbor Agreement Enrollment (01/01/21-12/31/22).

Joseph Veech, Department of Biology, from U.S. Department of Interior in the amount of $50,655.00 for the project Fiscal Year 2020 Candidate Conservation Action Fund (01/01/21-09/30/22).

Hongchi Shi, Apan Qasem and Jill Seaman, Department of Computer Science, from Northeastern University in the amount of $60,000.00 for the project Data Collection and Analysis for Broadening Participation in Computing (01/12/21- 01/11/23).

Stan McClellan, Ingram School of Engineering, from Jacobs Technology in the amount of $115,320.00 for the project Texas State Jacobs Agreement (02/15/21- 02/11/22).


Alice Olmstead, Department of Physics, from National Science Foundation a budget increase in the amount of $158,646.00 for the project Furthering the Work of STEM Undergraduate Transformation: Modeling Instructional Change Teams (01/01/20-12/31/22).

Farhad Ameri, Department of Engineering Technology, from National Institute of Stand’s a budget increase in the amount of $41,727.00 for the project Ontology Modeling and Data Integration for Agri-Food Supply Chain Traceability (10/01/20-09/30/21).

Martin Burtscher, Department of Computer Science, from University of Texas at Austin in the amount of $30,388.00 for the project Exascale Predictive Simulation of Inductively Coupled Plasma Torches (9/30/20-09/29/21).

Timothy Bonner, Department of Biology, from Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts in the amount of $499,999.00 for the project Range-wide Survey for Louisiana Pigtoe Pleurobema Riddellii and Texas Heelsplitter Potamilus Amphichaenus (12/21/20-05/31/23).

Feng Wang, John Schemmel and Xiaohua Luo, Ingram School of Engineering, from U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration in the amount of $10,000.00 for the project Administration of the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) Local Competition at Texas State University (11/30/20-08/31/21).

Sarah Fritts and Rebekah Rylander, Department of Biology, from Braun & Gresham in the amount of $6,627.00 for the project Sociality of the Black-Crested Titmouse (Baeolophus Atricristatus) in the Texas Hill Country: An Examination Across Counties (01/13/21-12/31/21).

Sarah Fritts Department of Biology, from Bowman Consulting Group in the amount of $31,382.00 for the project Comparing Thermal Imaging Cameras to Acoustic Detectors for Pre-construction Bat Risk Assessments (01/14/21-01/13/23).

Caitlin Gabor, Department of Biology, from Braun & Gresham in the amount of $9,872.00 for project The Relationship Between Land Use Conversion, Stress, and Diversity with Focus on Fish and Amphibians (01/14/21-12/31/21).