Dr. MD Raf E Ul Shpugat, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project Vibrational Energy Harvesting with Adaptive Oscillators (12/1/24-11/3025).
Dr. Chris Rhodes, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, received funding from the United States Department of Energy for the research project Understanding Degradation Mechanisms and Rates in Acidic Metal Oxide Oxygen Evolution. (2/1/25-1/31/26).
Dr. Ivan Ojeda-Ruiz, Department of Mathematics and the College of science and Engineering, received funding from the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics for the research project Mentor for the 2025 SIAM-Simons Undergraduate Research Program. (10/24/24-9/30/25).
Drs. Xiaohua Luo, Yihong Yuan, and Feng Wang, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project 2025 Summer Transportation Camp (1/31/25-8/3125).
Drs. Michael Jacobs and David Schilter, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, received funding from the U.S. Department of Energy for the research project Characterizing interfacial and Bulk Transport Phenomena in Viscus Microdroplets. (2/1/25-1/31/26).
Dr. Tanzima Islam, Department of Computer Science, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project Scalable Performance-aware Engine for the Efficient Decision-making on HPC Systems. (1/1/25-1/31/29).
Dr. Noland Martin, Department of Biology, received funding from Braun & Gresham, Attorneys at Law for the research project Texas Native Alloberberis Species Reproductive Isolation & Natural Hybridization. (2/6/25-12/31/25).
Dr. Jessica Dutton, Department of Biology, received funding from the Matagorda Bay Mitigation Trust for the research project Trace Element Concentrations in Sediment from the Alcoa Point Comfort Lavaca. (3/1/25-2/29/28).
Drs. Eleanor Close and Alice Olmstead, Department of Physics, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project Learning Assistant Professional Development for Facilitation Practices in Active Learning. (10/1/24-9/30/27).
Dr. Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Circle Concrete Tech, Inc. for the research project Plant Recycled Steel Fiber Reinforcement to Acieve Ultra-Low Carbon Concrete. (1/13/25-6/15/25).
Dr. Lucinda de Cresce El Debs, Department of Engineering Technology, received funding from Purdue University for the research project Best practices for Implementing Driving Simulators in INDOT Driver Training. (8/16/24-11/20/25).
Dr. Caitlin Gabor, Department of Biology, received funding from Braun & Gresham, Attorneys at Law for the research project Fish and Amphibian Biodiversity Conversion Environmental Complexity. (12/13/24-12/31/25).
Dr. Marilyn Banta, Department of Biology, received funding from the Joint Admission Medical Program for the research project JAMP FY24-25 Special Project: MCAT Prep Tutoring Assistance. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Jitendra Tate, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Quantum Copper for the research project PolyCat’s FR Materials Testing. (11/18/24-9/20/25).
Drs. Xiaohua Luo, Jesus Jimenez, and Feng Wang, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the research project HIS: Administration of the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowships. (11/20/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Yihong (Maggie) Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Nanohmics, Inc. for the research project Conformal and Compact Tri-Band Antenna. (11/12/24-11/11/26).
Dr. Damian Valles, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project REU Site: Undergraduate Research Experiences in Artificial Intelligence. (4/1/25-3/31/28).
Dr. Jason Martina, Department of Biology, received funding from the University of North Texas for the research project Integrating Ecosystem Services and Stakeholder Preferences to Improve Outcomes. (1/1/25-12/31/27).
Drs. Sujata Mandal, Ingram School of Engineering, Jana Minifie, Department of Management, and Keya Sen, Department of Health Administration, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project I-Corps: Translation Potential of an Economically Friendly Water Purifier. (12/1/24-11/30/25).
Dr. Eduardo Perez, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education for the research project Integrating Clustering Analysis and Simulation-Optimization for Enhanced Resources (1/10/25-1/18/26).
Dr. Lauren Fuess, Department of Biology, received funding from the Nova Southeastern University for the research project Integrated Approach to Identify and Experimentally Validate Environmental Variables Which Affect SCTLD Outcomes. (7/1/24-6/30/25).
Dr. Greg Passty, Department of Mathematics and the College of science and Engineering, received funding from the Texas Southern University for the research project Louis Stokes Renewal STEM Pathways and Research Alliance. (10/1/24-9/30/25).
Drs. Wenquan Dong and Clara Novoa Ramirez, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the research project Assessing Food Waste monitoring and Management in Central Texas Rural Communities. (10/1/24-9/30/25).
Dr. Eunsang Cho, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the research project Satellite Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Sub-field Crop Prediction. (8/26/24-8/25/25).
Dr. Yihong (Maggie) Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Nanohmics, Inc. for the research project Millimeter Wave Imaging with High-Electronic-Mobility Transistors. (9/16/24-9/15/25).
Drs. Anthony Torres, Wilson Espinoza Chavez, and Luis Trueba, Department of Engineering Technology, received funding from Ohio State University for the research project Assessment of Austere Landing Sites Phase 1 (Proof of Concept). (9/1/24-9/28/26).
Dr. Sarah Fritts, Department of Biology, received funding from Vestas Wind Systems A/S for the research project Pond Testing of a Passive Bat Deterrent. (10/28/24-12/31/24).
Dr. Jessica Dutton, Department of Biology, received funding from the University of Texas at Austin for the research project Matagorda Bay System Contaminant Resuspension Due to Storms, Ship Traffic & Dredging. (6/1/24-5/31/27).
Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Academy of Sciences for the research project NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-05: Traffic Practices for Non-Motorized Vehicles. (11/15/24-5/15/26).
Drs. Bradley Borges, Department of Agricultural Sciences, received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture – NIFA National Institute of Food & Agriculture for the research project Agricultural Construction Laboratory Improvement. (9/1/24-8/31/27).
Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Michigan State University for the research project Roadside Feature Placement and Pedestrian Safety on Low & Intermediate Speed Roads. (7/22/24-6/30/26).
Dr. Cody Patterson, Department of Mathematics, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project Collaborative Research: College Mathematics Instructor Development Source CoMInDS (10/1/24-9/30/28).
Drs. Xiangping Liu, Department of Agriculture Sciences, and Jelena Tesic, Department of Computer Science, received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture – NIFA National Institute of Food & Agriculture for the research project Comprehensive Experiential Learnings to Promote Climate Resilient Agriculture. (9/15/24-9/14/28).
Dr. Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Academy of Sciences for the research project Sustainable Ultra-High Performance Concrete Material Highway Bridge Applications. (1/2/25-12/31/26).
Drs. Soon Jae Lee and Hyunhwan Kim, Department of Engineering Technology, received funding from Texas Tech University for the research project Technical Support for Pavement Analysis and Design. (9/3/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Tim Bonner, Department of Biology, received funding from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the research project Aquatic Community Assessment in Off-channel Habitats of Neches and Sabine River Ecosystems. (7/23/23-4/30/26).
Dr. Lauren Fuess, Department of Biology, received funding from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the research project Omic Approach to Identify Predictive Markers of SCTLD Resistance. (7/1/24-12/31/24).
Dr. Yihong (Maggie) Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Nanohmics, Inc. for the research project Volume-constrained Additive Manufacturing Polymers of Integrated Robust Electronics. (8/7/24-9/8/25).
Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Develop Crash Predictive Methods for Frontage Roads with Ramp Terminals. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Jung Yeon, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Develop Optimum 2-Mat Reinforcement Design in Continuously Reinforced Concrete. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Mr. James Banks and Mr. Abhimanyu Sharotry, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from RJ Thomas Manufacturing Company, Inc. for the research project Static Load Testing of Commercial Outdoor Furniture. (8/26/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the research project Social and Community Factors Contributing to Pedestrian Trespass Behaviors. (9/27/24-3/26/26).
Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Predicting Field Performance of Pavement Markings Statewide in Texas. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Drs. Feng Wang, Xiaohua Luo, and Feng Hong, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Determine Hydroplaning Potential Using Existing Pavement Asset Data. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Ariful Haque, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the United States Army Research Office for the research project State-of-The-Art Photoluminescence Spectrometer for Research and Education. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Feng Hong, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Revision for TxDOT Pavement Management Information System Rater’s Manual. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Anthony Torres, Department of Engineering Technology, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Long-term Monitoring of RSHC-based Corrosion Samples. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Safety and Decrease Vehicle Fatalities by Improving Pavement Markings. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Astrid Schwalb, Department of Biology, received funding from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the research project Zebra Mussel Monitoring in Texas Water Bodies. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Jesus Jimenez, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Jacobs Technology, Inc. for the research project “JETS” Task Order – STO-000367. (10/1/2024-9/30/25).
Drs. Sean Kerwin, Ryan Peterson, David Schitler, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project Acquisition of a Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer. (8/15/24-7/31/27).
Dr. Jesus Jimenez, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Jacobs Technology, Inc. for the research project “JETS” Task Order – STO-000365. (10/1/2024-9/30/25).
Dr. Jesus Jimenez, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Jacobs Technology, Inc. for the research project “JETS” Task Order – STO-000366. (10/1/2024-9/30/25).
Dr. Jesus Jimenez, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Jacobs Technology, Inc. for the research project “JETS” Task Order – STO-000364. (10/1/2024-9/30/25).
Dr. Yoichi Miyahara, Department of Physics, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project MRI: Track 1 Micro/Nanometer Scale Device Fabrication in Research. (9/1/24-8/31/27).
Dr. Yihong (Maggie) Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Nanohmics, Inc. for the research project Stowable Achromatic Microwave Metalens. (7/15/24-1/5/25).
Dr. Martin Burtscher, Department of Computer Science, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project SHF: Medium: SCIOPT: Toward Certifiable Compression-Aware SciML systems. (10/1/24-9/30/27).
Dr. Yihong (Maggie) Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Nanohmics, Inc. for the research project Broadband Antennas and SDR for Evaluating Corrosion Under Thick Coatings. (7/12/24-12/20/24).
Dr. Carrie Bucklin, Department of Biology, received funding from the University of North Alabama for the research project Creating STEM Opportunities for High-achieving Rural Alabama Students. (6/1/24-12/31/24).
Dr. Michael Jacobs, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project LEAPS-MPS: Quantifying Interfacial Molecular Transport and pH. (9/1/24-8/31/26).
Dr. Steven Whitten, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, received funding from the National Institutes of Health for the research project Texas Doctoral Bridge Program. (8/1/24-7/31/25).
Dr. Ariful Haque, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project ERI: Integration of Diamond with Ga203 for High Performance Applications. (7/1/24-6/30/26).
Drs. Anahita Emami, Ingram School of Engineering, Meysam Khaleghian, Department of Engineering Technology, and Ryan Anderson, Department of Agriculture, received funding from the National Institute of Food & Agriculture for the research project Women and Minorities in Smart Agriculture. (9/1/24-8/31/27).
Drs. Feng Wang and Xiaohua Luo, Ingram School of Engineering, and Jelena Tesic, Department of Computer Science, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Artificial Intelligence for Pavement Condition Assessment. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Henna Rathore, Department of Computer Science, received funding from the University of Texas at El Paso: Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions for the research project Enhancing Moral Decision Making in Large Language Models. (9/15/24-9/14/25).
Dr. Jennifer Czocher, Department of Mathematics, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project Tracking Adaptation and Investigating Learning Outcomes for Reforming Mathematics. (8/15/24-7/31/27).
Drs. Jesus Jimenez, Anahita Emami, Robert Wright, Francis Mendez, and Eduardo Perez, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Workforce Commission for the research project Phase 3 – Quality Assurance of New and Existing Products to Support Texas State. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Feng Hong, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Use Network Level Texture to Enhance Pavement Management Year 2. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Feng Hong, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Assess the Probability of Extreme Weather & Resilience Risks for TxDOT Year 2. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Innovative Methods for Estimating VMT on Local Roads in Texas Year 2. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Safety Assessment of Shared Use Paths at Railway Crossings Year 2. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Drs. Anthony Torres, Carolos Moro, Wilson Espinoza, Department of Engineering Technology, and Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Developing a Performance-Based Concrete Overlay Mix Design Year 2. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Develop Crash Modification Factors for Super Highways Year 2. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Develop a Real-Time Decision Support Tool for Urban Roadway Improvment Year 3. (9/1/24-11/30/24).
Dr. Tania Betancourt, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project HIS: Central Texas PREM: Partnership Between TXST & UT at Austin. (7/1/21-6/30/28).
Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Barrier Striping for the Reduction of Accidents Year 2. (9/1/24-5/31/25).
Drs. Eunsang Cho, Feng Wang, Xijun Shi, Stacey Kulesza. and Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the research project Coastal Research and Education Actions for Transportation Equity (CREATE). (6/1/24-5/31/29).
Drs. Xiaohua Luo, Feng Wang, Xijun Shi, Stacey Kulesza. and Feng Hong, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the research project Coastal Research and Education Actions for Transportation Equity (CREATE). (6/1/24-5/31/29).
Drs. Xijun Shi, Stacey Kulesza, Feng Wang, Ingram School of Engineering, Anthony Torres and Carlos Moro, Department of Engineering Technology received funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the research project Coastal Research and Education Actions for Transportation Equity (CREATE). (6/1/24-5/31/29).
Drs. Jung Yeon, Feng Wang, Xijun Shi, and Stacey Kulesza, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the research project Coastal Research and Education Actions for Transportation Equity (CREATE). (6/1/24-5/31/29).
Dr. Chris Serenari, Department of Biology, received funding from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the research project Investigating Factors that Inspire Committed Collaboration for Wildlife Habitat. (8/2/24-8/31/27).
Drs. David Schitler and Ryan Peterson, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry received funding from the National Institutes of Health for the research project Continuous-Wave X-Band Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer. (8/1/24-7/31/25).
Dr. Eunsang Cho, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the research project Groundwater Impact on S2S Snowmelt Flood Predictability. (7/22/24-7/21/26).
Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project Operational & Safety Improvements Associated with Innovative Intersections. (9/1/24-8/31/25).
Dr. Ryan Anderson and Mr. Bradley Borges, Department of Agricultural Sciences, received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture-NIFA National Institute of Food & Agriculture for the research project Empowering Agricultural Mechanics Education, Recruitment, and Research (ER2). (9/1/24-8/31/26).
Dr. Michael Forstner, Department of Biology, received funding from the Mobile Communications America for the research project Bastrop Communications Tower 24: Avoidance & Minimization Compliance Houston Toad.
JULY 2024
Drs. Hongchi Shi, Apan Qasem and Jill Seaman, Department of Computer Science, received funding from Northwestern University for the research project Data Alliance on Persistence and Perception in Computing (DAPPIC). (5/20/24-8/31/26).
Drs. Ryan Peterson and Lysle Lewis, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, received funding from the National Institutes of Health Institute of General Medical for the research project Fluorescence Microscope with Live-cell and High-resolution Imaging Capabilities. (7/1/24-6/30/25).
Dr. Togay Ozbakkaloglu, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project AGEA: Revolutionizing Seismic Resilience. (5/15/24-4/30/25).
Dr. Hiroko Warshauer, Department of Mathematics, received funding from the H-E-B Tournament of Champions for the research project Mathworks Camp. (3/26/24-8/31/24).
Dr. Ivan Ojeda-Ruiz, Department of Mathematics, received funding from the Occidental College for the research project CURM Program at Institution’s Undergraduate College for 24-25 Academic Year. (8/1/24-6/1/25).
Drs. Apan Qasem, Department of Computer Science, and Michelle Forsythe, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the project SREM-CLEAR: Creating Contextualized Learning Pathways. (6/1/24-5/31/29).
JUNE 2024
Dr. Feng Hong, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas A&M Transportation Institute for the research project Pavement Preservation PMIS Technical Manual. (5/4/24-8/31/24).
Drs. Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, and Anthony Torres, Department of Engineering Technology received funding from the State of New Mexico, New Mexico Department of Transportation, for the research project Aggregate Alkali-Silica-Reactivity and Mitigative Measures. (5/10/24-5/9/28).
Dr. Eunsang Cho, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Montana State University for the research project Emerging UAV Gamma-Ray and LiDAR Snow Observations. (2/14/24-9/30/26).
Dr. Yihong Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Nanohmics, Inc. for the research project Additive High-Power Antenna for the X-band. (4/30/24-1/31/25).
Dr. Keisuke Ikehata, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Argonne National Laboratory UCHICAGO ARGONNE, LLC for the research project Consultation for the International Standardization of Water Reuse. (5/20/24-3/31/25).
Dr. Sarah Fritts, Department of Biology, received funding from the Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Advanced R&D Center for the research project Post-Construction Monitoring of a Photovoltaic Solar Facility. (10/1/24-12/31/26).
Dr. Leila Siciliano-Martinez, Department of Biology, received funding from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro for the research project Morphology and Environmental Specializations in Kangaroo Rat Species. (4/5/24-12/31/24).
Dr. Mar Huertas Pau, Department of Biology, received funding from the National Institutes of Health for the research project Maternal Transfer Factors and Offspring Development Defects by Nitrite. (6/1/24-4/30/25).
MAY 2024
Dr. Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from TNSR Systems LLC for the research project Structure Test for Swole-Crete. (4/19/24-9/1/24).
Dr. Luis Trueba, Department of Engineering Technology, received funding from Martin Marietta for the research project Characterization of Liberty Ranch Deposit Samples. (4/17/24-7/1/24).
Drs. Yong Yang and Thomas Keller, Department of Mathematics, received funding from the National Security Agency for the research project REU Site: Algebra, Combinatorics, and Statistics. (5/22/24-3/31/25).
Dr. Anahita Emami, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project ERI: ANS: Bridging the Gap between Structure and Electromechanical Behavior. (9/1/24-8/31/26).
APRIL 2024
Drs. Sangchul Hwang, Salah Faroughi, Sujata Mandal, and Eunsang Cho, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environment for the research project Multidisciplinary Research and Workforce Development on PFAS. (4/1/24-3/31/25).
Dr. Xijun Shi, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the research project Processing Lunar Geopolymer Using In-Situ Resources TEAM Bobcat CaerusCrete. (2/1/24-1/31/25).
Dr. Wenquan Dong, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory UT-Battelle, LLC for the research project Evaluation of the Food Loss and Waste Reduction, Recovery, and Recycling Technology. (12/20/23-12/1/24).
Dr. William Boney, Department of Mathematics, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project CAREER: Compactness in Incompact Worlds. (7/1/24-6/30/29).
Dr. Clay Green, Department of Biology, received funding from the Gulf of Mexico Alliance for the research project Delineation of Reddish Egret Foraging Habitat within the Northern Gulf of Mexico. (2/15/24-12/31/25).
Dr. Shannon Weigum, Department of Biology, received funding from Nanohmics, Inc. for the research project Aptamer-Guided Antibiotic-Loaded Exosomes for Improved Treatment of Bacteria. (2/16/24-9/15/24).
Drs. Carlos Moro, Anthony Torres and Wilson Espinoza, Department of Engineering Technology, received funding from the South Dakota Department of Transportation for the research project Refinement of Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert Installation Guidelines. (4/5/24-9/30/25).
Drs. Soon Jae Lee and Hyunhwan Kim, Department of Engineering Technology, received funding from Texas Tech University for the research project Technical Support for Pavement Analysis and Design. (4/5/24-8/31/24).
MARCH 2024
Drs. Xiaohua Luo, Feng Wang and Liang Li, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the research project 2024 Summer Transportation Camp. (2/27/24-8/31/24).
Drs. Sangchul Hwang and Ranjit Gurav, Ingram School of Engineering, and Dr. Jana Minifie, Department of Management, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project Biologically Active Pervious Structure for Stormwater Management. (2/1/24-1/31/25).
Dr. Subasish Das and Mr. David Mills, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Science Foundation for the research project SafeR: The Safest Routing Tool. (2/1/24-1/31/25).
Drs. Sangchul Hwang and Sujata Mandal, Ingram School of Engineering, Dr. Chang Ji, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Dr. In-Hyouk Song, Department of Engineering Technology, received funding from Battelle Savannah River Alliance LLC for the research project Climate Impact on Resiliency and Safety of in-situ remediation. (1/29/24-1/28/25).
Dr. Jessica Dutton, Department of Biology, received funding from the Matagorda Bay Mitigation Trust for the research project Mercury Exposure through Seafood Consumption in the Matagorda Bay. (6/1/24-5/31/27).
Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine for the research project Incorporating Safe System Approach into the National Cooperative Highway Research Program. (2/23/24-2/22/26).
Dr. Joseph Veech, Department of Biology, received funding from the Rob & Bessie Welder Wildlife Foundation for the research project Analysis of Upland and Riparian Habitats as Stopover Sites of Migratory Songbirds. (1/1/24-12/31/24).
Dr. Andrea Banzatti, Department of Physics, received funding from the Space Telescope Science Institute for the research project Why do some 50Myr Old Stars Still Accrete. (12/1/23-11/30/26).
Dr. Susan Schwinning, Department of Biology, received funding from the Native Plant Society of Texas to support graduate student research. (01/02/24-12/31/25).
Dr. Edwin Piner, Department of Physics, received funding from Atomera Incorporated for the research project Investigation of Utilization of MST for GAN Growth on Silicon-based Substrates. (1/24/24-3/31/24).
Dr. Caitlin Gabor, Department of Biology, received funding from Braun & Gresham, Attorneys at Law for the research project The Consequences of Land Use Conversion on Fish and Amphibian Biodiversity. (1/1/24-12/31/24).
Dr. Susan Schwinning, Department of Biology, received funding from Braun & Gresham, Attorneys at Law for the research project Do Grasslands on the Edwards Plateau Use Rock Water to Tolerate Drought. (01/01/24-12/31/24).
Dr. Keisuke Ikehata, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Freese and Nichols, Inc. for the research project Strategies for Gaining Pathogen Removal Credit for Reverse Osmosis. (4/01/23-5/08/24).
Dr. Subasish Das, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from the University of Washington for the research project Incorporating Equity in Traffic Safety. (10/20/23-1/31/25).
Dr. Noland Martin, Department of Biology, received funding from Braun & Gresham, Attorneys at Law for the research project Genetic Structure and Hybridization in Native Texas Alloberberis. (1/8/24-12/31/24).
Dr. Joseph Veech, Department of Biology, received funding from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the research project Ascertaining Best Management Practices for Roadside Habitat of Texas Kangaroo Rats. (10/11/23-8/31/25).
Dr. Yihong Chen, Ingram School of Engineering, received funding from Nanohmics, Inc. for the research project Conformal and Compact Tri-band Antenna. (11/20/23-5/19/24).
Dr. Chris Nice, Department of Biology, received funding from the American Museum of Natural History Southwestern Research Station for the research project Landscape Genomics of White Oaks (section: Quercus) in the US Southwest. (1/1/24-12/31/24).