Engineering & Computer Science Admissions Requirements

Students who wish to declare the following majors must meet admittance requirements:

This applies to students who admitted to the Fall 2025 semester or later.

  • BS: Computer Science
  • BS: Computer Science - Computer Engineering Concentration
  • BS: Civil Engineering
  • BS: Electrical Engineering (Computer Engineering Concentration)
  • BS: Electrical Engineering (Micro and Nano Devices and Systems Concentration)
  • BS: Electrical Engineering (Networks and Communication Systems Concentration)
  • BS: Industrial Engineering
  • BS: Manufacturing Engineering (Smart Manufacturing Concentration)
  • BS: Manufacturing Engineering (Mechanical Systems Concentration)
  • BS: Major in Mechanical Engineering

1. Admission to Texas State

  • Students must apply and be accepted to Texas State University (TXST). More information can be found on the TXST Admissions website.
  • Upon acceptance, students will be placed in a “pre” major. 
    • For example, a student who wants to declare Industrial Engineering will be admitted to TXST as a “pre-Industrial Engineering” major.

2. Meet criteria for admission to your program

Students must be qualified to enroll in TXST's Calculus I course to be admitted to the program. 

  • Once admitted, students will be considered a “full” major, rather than a “pre” major.
  • The student's record will be updated to reflect their admission to the full major.
    • For example, when a Mechanical Engineering major is qualified to enroll in TXST's Calculus I, their student record will update their major from pre-Mechanical Engineering to Mechanical Engineering.

Students can demonstrate that they are ready to enroll in TXST's Calculus I via the following scores:

  • SAT math score of 600 (if taken after 3/1/2016)
  • ACT math score of 27
  • Accuplacer Next-Generation Advanced Algebra & Functions score of 276 - 300
  • MATH 2417 (or equivalent) with grade of C or better
  • MATH 2417 Advanced Placement (AP) Exam credit
  • MATH 2471 (or equivalent) with grade of C or better
  • MATH 2471 Advanced Placement (AP) Exam credit

Students with older test scores can demonstrate that they are ready to enroll in TXST's Calculus I via the following scores:

  • SAT math score of 550 (if taken before 3/1/2016)
  • Accuplacer score of 103-999
  • Compass - College Algebra (Compass-Trig) score of 46-99

3. Students who meet requirements will be admitted

  • The university will regularly run reports to determine which students declared in a “pre-” major are ready to enroll in TXST's Calculus I. 
  • Qualified students will automatically be updated to a “full” major and receive a written notification of the change.

4. Get involved!

Students are highly encouraged to get involved with student organizations. 

  • Engineering majors can find a list of engineering student organizations on the Ingram School of Engineering website
  • Computer Science students can find a list of computer science student organizations on the Department of Computer Science website.