Thrust 2 Director, NSF PREM Center for Intelligent Materials Assembly; Thrust 2 Investigator, Associate Professor, Department of Physics
Biochemistry, MSEC PREM SEED
Physics, MSEC SEED
PREM-MRSEC Faculty Liaison
Faculty Investigator, IRG 2
IRG 1 Co-Leader
Faculty Investigator, IRG 1
IRG 2 Co-Leader
Center Director
PhD Materials Science, Engineering and Commercialization: Advancement of Renewable Energy via Organic Chemistry (Brittain Lab)
PhD IMBC: Utilization of ortho- and para- substituted azobenzene for concerted and controlled photoswitching (Brittain Lab) (Moved to Jacobs Lab)
PhD Materials Science, Engineering and Commercialization: (Theodoropoulou Lab)
M.S. Physics: Imaging 2D materials using advanced AFM techniques (Miyahara Lab)
M.S. Chemistry: Effect of Carbon Substrate and Anion Environment within Nickel Hydroxide Cathodes on Electrochemical Performance of Nickel-Zinc Batteries (Rhodes Lab)
M.S. Chemistry: Effect of Nickel Hydroxide Cathode Composition on Electrochemical Performance of Nickel-Zinc Batteries (Rhodes Lab)
M.S. Chemistry: Characterization of high entropy oxide catalysts by annealing nitrate metal salts onto titanium substrates via laser synthesis (Martin Lab)
B.S. (Brittain Lab)
B.S. Biochemistry: Dynamic agar hydrogels with hyaluronic acid (Betancourt Lab)
B.S. Biochemistry: (Kerwin Lab)
B.S. Physics (WisteyLab)
B.S. Chemistry: Laser Synthesis of Mixed Metal Spinel Materials for the Oxidation Reduction Reaction (Martin Lab)
B.S. Chemistry & Criminal Justice: Photoisomerization of Azobenzenes in Polysaccharides(Brittain Lab)
B.S. Electrical Engineering: Automating Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (Miyahara Lab)
B.S. Electrical Engineering (Wistey Lab)
B.S. Clinical Laboratory Science: Incorporation of RGD peptide into PEG-MAL hydrogels for cell encapsulation (Betancourt Lab)
B.S. (Martin Lab)
B.S. Biochemistry: Nanoparticles with miRNA in treatment of neuroblastoma (Betancourt Lab)
B.S. Microbiology: Dynamic Reconfigurable Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications (Betancourt Lab)
B.S. Chemistry: Catalysis Chemistry of TiO2 (Martin Lab)
B.S. Chemistry: (Martin Lab)
B.S. Electrical Engineering (Miyahara Lab)
B.S. Physics (Theodoropoulou Lab)
Postdoctoral Researcher: Ruthenium-Zirconium Oxides for Highly Stable Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts (Rhodes Lab)
PhD Materials Science, Engineering and Commercialization: Vapor phase deposition of Electroactive polymers on nanofiber (Betancourt Lab)
B.S. Biology: Leveraging Star-like PEG Macromolecule Valence to Improve the Tunability of Drug Delivery from Hydrogels (Betancourt Lab) (part of URISE program)
M.S. Chemistry: (Kerwin Lab)
PhD Materials Science, Engineering and Commercialization: Study of Non-Canonical Nucleic Acid Structures and ligands: G- quadruplex and G- triplex (Kerwin Lab)
PhD Materials Science, Engineering and Commercialization: (WisteyLab)
PhD Materials Science, Engineering and Commercialization: Polymer nanocomposites for water purification (Betancourt Lab)
B.S: Preparation of miRNA-loaded nanoparticles for the treatment of neuroblastoma (Betancourt lab) (part of URISE program)
M.S. Biochemistry (Kerwin Lab)
B.S. Biochemistry: Reducing Cytotoxicity in Conducting Polymer Nanofibers (Irvin Lab) (Moved to Dr. Karen Lewis Lab)
B.S. Biochemistry: Synthesis of Conductive Polymer Bottle Brushes (Irvin Lab) (Moved to Dr. Karen Lewis Lab)