Dr. Douglas Morrish

Location : Agriculture 213
Phone: (512) 245-3321
Email: dm43@txstate.edu
Doug Morrish is Associate Dean of Student Success in the College of Science and Engineering and Professor in Agricultural Education in the Department of Agricultural Sciences. He received his B.S. in Animal Science in 1996, M.S. in Agriculture in 2000, both from Stephen F. Austin State University, and his Ph.D. in Agricultural Education from Texas A&M University in 2003. Dr. Morrish was an Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources teacher at the secondary level in Jacksonville, TX from 1997-2000. He served on the faculty in the Department of Agriculture at Illinois State University from 2003-2005 before joining Texas State University. From 2018-2024, he has served as Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs (2018-2020) and Associate Dean of Research (2020-2024) in the College of Applied Arts.
Dr. Morrish has been PI or Co-PI on over $10M in externally funded grants from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). He was recently awarded a grant from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to implement an innovative strategy to create a one-of-a-kind internship HUB to fund 55 student internships per year at federal and state agencies over the next 4 years. This project is a collaboration between Texas State University, USDA agencies, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and four community colleges. Dr. Morrish’s research interests are in the areas of student teacher placement methodologies, teacher professional development, effects of internship / co-op programs on college student retention, and security of career and technical education programs at the secondary level.
He has received numerous awards and nominations for outstanding teaching including the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Teaching Award of Merit in 2012, the Excellence in College and University Teaching in Food and Agricultural Sciences - United States Department of Agriculture National Awards Program in 2010 and the College of Applied Arts Achievement Award for Excellence in Teaching (2011, 2012, 2019, 2020).