Annual Faculty Evaluation

COSE/PPS No. 04.02.12

Effective Date: 02/2022

Next Review Date: 02/1/2026 (E4Y)

Sr. Reviewer: COSE Dean 

Annual Faculty Evaluation

Texas State University is committed to providing a performance management system that ensures annual evaluations of all faculty. 


01.01 All faculty will be evaluated at least once annually by their academic programs, departments, or schools.  


02.01 AA/PPS No. 04.02.10, Performance Evaluation of Continuing Faculty and Post-Tenure Review 

02.02 AA/PPS No. 04.02.11, Performance Evaluation of Non-Continuing Non-Tenure Line Faculty 


03.01 In accordance with Texas State University policy all faculty within the College of Science and Engineering will be evaluated annually.  

03.02 Due to the diverse nature of disciplines that make up the College of Science and Engineering no college policy and procedure statement (PPS) for annual evaluation is available. Each department or school is responsible for creating and implementing individual annual evaluation PPSs, and they must be reviewed and approved by the department’s or school’s personnel committees, department chairs or director, and dean.  

03.03 Guided by individual department or school PPSs, the department chair or school director will provide each faculty member with a summary addressing all applicable areas of performance – teaching, research, scholarly or creative activities, and service. This may be provided through the Faculty Qualifications system. 

03.04 Chairs or directors will annually certify to the dean that all merit-eligible faculty members have been evaluated and have received a review of their performance.