COSE Courses Counting Towards Degree

As a financial aid recipient, the federal government requires that your aid eligibility only be based on those courses that count toward the completion of your program of study. Some courses are flagged by Financial Aid as potentially not eligible for aid and need to be reviewed by your advising center. Courses that might be flagged are:

  • any course that shows up in the electives portion of your audit, including:
    • required electives
    • courses you are taking for writing-intensive and/or advanced hours requirements
    • substitutions that have not been entered into your degree audit yet
    • required pre-professional courses (these cannot be approved)
  • repeats of previously passed courses
  • courses for one of your dual degrees

Please complete this form after you have registered for a course that needs review. 


Personal information

Example: she/her, they/them, ze/zir

Courses not counting for Financial Aid:

Use prefix and course number (i.e. MATH 2328). Do not use CRNs.

Semester the course is being taken: *