COSE Virtual Express Advising

Express advising queue

We will pause the ability to join the queue of an express advising event if we estimate there is more than a 1-hour wait to see an advisor.


If additions to the queue are paused, the registration form will not allow new submissions. Check the link regularly to determine if it is allowing new submissions.

Upcoming dates

  • Typical virtual express advising schedule: advising typically takes place between 8:30 - 12:00 pm on most Fridays.
    • We will stop adding students to the queue approximately 30 minutes prior to the lunch hour and/or the event end time.
    • If we estimate that the wait time is more than 1 hour, we will pause additions to the queue.

The queue opens at 8:15 am & closes at 11:30 am on scheduled days

Queue form submissions will be paused when there is a one-hour wait. If paused, a note about the pause can be viewed via the “Join the queue!” link above.

Virtual Express Advising is designed for:

  • Current students whose TXST GPA is 2.00 or higher. 
  • Readmitted and transfer students who do NOT have an advising hold (aka have been advised).
  • Students whose academic status is “academic warning” or “academic probation” and do NOT have an advising hold (aka have been advised).

Students who have an advising hold will not be added to the advising queue.

Beginning of the Spring 2025 Semester
Previous dates: January 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 24
Before Summer & Fall 2025 Registration
  • Friday, March 7
  • Friday, March 14 (spring break)
  • Monday, March 17
  • Tuesday, March 18

Previous dates: January 31, February 7, 14, 21, 28

First Weeks for Summer & Fall 2025 Registration
  • Wednesday, March 19
  • Thursday, March 20
  • Friday, March 21
  • Monday, March 24
  • Tuesday, March 25
  • Wednesday, March 26
  • Thursday, March 27
  • Friday, March 28
  • Monday, March 31
  • Tuesday, April 1
  • Wednesday, April 2
  • Thursday, April 3
  • Friday, April 4
Remainder of the Spring 2025 Semester
  • Friday, April 11
  • Friday, April 18
  • Friday, April 25
  • Friday, May 2
  • Friday, May 9 - Canceled due to commencement-related duties
  • Tuesday, May 20
  • Wednesday, May 21
  • Thursday, May 22
  • Friday, May 23

What is virtual express advising?

Virtual express advising is a way to connect with a COSE Advisor without a scheduled appointment. Virtual express advising events are offered on select days and times. Due to the fast-paced nature of virtual express advising events, your advisor may recommend that you make a follow-up appointment to have an in-depth discussion about a particular topic. Meetings last 5-15 minutes. 

Who can attend virtual express advising?

Virtual express advising is for current undergraduate students assigned to the College of Science and Engineering Advising Center or students who need help registering for a science course. 

Virtual express advising events are designed for students who have questions about the current semester or need quick help planning their schedule for the upcoming semester. Virtual express advising events are not designed for long-range planning or Satisfactory Academic Progress plans.

The following students types will be allowed to join Virtual Express Advising:

  • Current students whose TXST GPA is 2.00 or higher. 
  • Readmitted and transfer students who do NOT have an advising hold (aka have been advised).
  • Students whose academic status is “academic warning” or “academic probation” and do NOT have an advising hold (aka have been advised).


To best utilize your your time, please: 

  1. Download the Zoom application and confirm that you are able to log in using your Texas State NetID and password. Students have access to Zoom Pro with their Texas State credentials. 

  2. Check that your webcam and microphone work. If you use wireless headphones/earbuds, please put them on prior to joining the meeting. Attending the meeting via cell phone is not ideal, but acceptable. We will not meet with students who are operating a motor vehicle. 

  3. Ensure you can access your Texas State email, called Bobcat Mail.

  4. Prepare questions that you might have. Advisors love when students have a list of questions prepared for their appointments! 

How does virtual express advising work?

  1. When you click the link to join the queue, you will be asked to register for virtual express advising. The link will go live at 8:15 am. This allows our team to gather some of your information prior to talking with you.
  2. Once you register, a COSE Advising staff member will add you the student to the advising queue.
  3. Advisors will connect with students in the order they were added to the queue. When you are the next student on the queue, you will receive an email invitation to join the advisor's Zoom room.
    • There will be a wait to meet with an advisor. 
    • Wait times vary greatly depending on the following factors: proximity to registration opening for the upcoming semester, the number of advisors available, the functionality of advising software, the complexity of student questions, and more.
    • Students have experienced wait times between 10 minutes - 4 hours. 
  4. You will have five minutes from the time the email is sent to click the link and join the room. If you do not join within five minutes, the advisor will move on to the next student and you will be off the queue.
    • If you miss your link, you need to fill out this registration form again to be added back to the queue.
  5. COSE Advising will close the registration form when the queue is full. This is so COSE Advisors can meet with all students who are in the virtual express advising queue prior to the event ending. For this reason, we recommend registering for virtual express advising as soon as the registration form opens.

Additional information about virtual express advising is included below the "Upcoming Dates" section.