Academic Status Info & Hold Removal

Welcome & thanks for visiting.

This page includes information that students on academic warning and academic probation may find useful. Please let the COSE Advising Center know if you have any questions about the information you find on this page.

Want to know how to get your academic standing hold removed? Scroll to the bottom of this page and review the "How to remove your academic standing hold" section.

  • Your TXST GPA is determined using the grades that you earned from courses taken at TXST. 

    Texas State University also uses your TXST GPA to determine graduation eligibility, financial aid eligibility, and more. Your TXST GPA will update after grades are available for the semester (specific dates are found on the academic calendarLinks to an external site. posted on the TXST Registrar's website).

    To check your TXST GPA, you can use either your Degree Audit or your Unofficial Transcript (both can be accessed via CatswebLinks to an external site.). There are different types of GPAs listed in your Degree Audit and Unofficial Transcript, so it is important to correctly identify which GPA is your TXST GPA.

  • Students who are not enrolled at TXST for one or more long semesters - and wish to return to Texas State University once they finish their Academic Suspension period - must reapply to the university. Students who wish to reapply should review the information for returning studentsLinks to an external site. provided by the Office of Admissions. Please contact the Office of AdmissionsLinks to an external site. with questions regarding the reapplication process.


    What the TXST Undergraduate Catalog Says about Readmission Following an Academic Suspension:

    "Students returning to Texas State following an Academic Suspension must apply for readmissionLinks to an external site. and will re-enter on Academic Warning. Suspended students may enroll at another institution but will be held to Transfer AdmissionLinks to an external site. requirements upon returning."

  • Academic Standing

    • A status given at the end of each term that's based on your TXST GPA and communicates your academic progress towards graduation.

    • Students in good standing have a TXST GPA of 2.00 or higher.

    • Academic warning is the academic standing assigned after the first semester your TXST GPA falls below 2.0.

      Students on academic warning must raise their TXST GPA to 2.00 or higher by the end of the semester. If their GPA is below 2.00 when grades are posted at the end of the semester, their academic standing will change to academic probation.

    • Academic probation is the academic standing assigned after the second consecutive semester that your TXST GPA is below 2.0.

      When grades are posted at the end of the semester, students on academic probation must either:

      • raise their TXST GPA to 2.00 or higher or
      • earn a semester GPA at TXST of 2.25 or higher

      Students on Academic Probation who fail to reach a Texas State GPA of at least 2.00 or to earn a semester GPA at Texas State of at least 2.25 are placed on Academic Suspension.

    • When students on academic probation fail to reach a TXST GPA of at least 2.00 or earn a semester GPA at TXST of at least 2.25.

      Students placed on academic suspension cannot enroll at TXST for the duration of their suspension period:

      1. First suspension: one long semester (the next fall or spring semester).
      2. Second suspension: two calendar years.
      3. Third suspension: indefinite.


      Appeals: Academically suspended students with extenuating circumstances may appeal their suspension with the College of Science and Engineering Dean's Office.

    • Financial aid suspension is related to academic success. 

      Students who are on financial aid suspension (but not academic suspension) are able to stay enrolled at Texas State. Students who are on financial aid suspension will likely need to pay out-of-pocket for school.

      Students who hope to utilize financial aid through the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships should be aware of the "Satisfactory Academic Progress" requirements set forth by the federal government.

      In order to receive financial aid, you must meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements. Texas State applies the SAP standards to all federal, state, and institutional financial assistance programs. The only exception is for the TEXAS Grant which has separate Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements as defined by applicable law.

      Evaluation Criteria for 1st undergraduate degree-seeking students

      • Minimum GPA (TXST GPA must be 2.00 or higher)
      • Minimum Completion Rate (students must successfully complete 67% of all coursework attempted, anywhere)
      • Maximum Hours Limit (attempt no more than 180 hours, anywhere)

      If you do not meet the SAP requirements listed above by the end of the spring semester, you will be placed on financial aid suspension. Once you are on financial aid suspension, you are not eligible to receive financial aid until you meet the SAP requirements. You will be notified via your Texas State email account in the event you are placed on financial aid suspension. The email will direct you to Texas State Self-Service for more details.

      Students are able to appeal their financial aid suspension. More information can be found on the "Financial Aid and Scholarships Maintain my Eligibility - SAPLinks to an external site." page.

    • Around the 12th class day of the fall and spring semesters, students whose academic standing is academic warning or academic probation will have an “academic standing” hold placed on their account. This hold will prevent the student from dropping current courses.* The hold will also prevent the student from registering for courses in the upcoming semester(s).

      Information about how to get your academic standing hold removed is listed toward the bottom of this page.

      *students who have a hold that prevents schedule changes should contact the TXST One Stop to request access to the Request to Drop a Course with an Active Registration Hold form.

  • Sometimes students out of good academic standing because of a tough course schedule. Sometimes it's because of poor time management or learning skills. Sometimes, though, it's because things just went wrong. For situations where things went really, really wrong, TXST has a policy often referred to as the "administrative withdrawal policy" (see G/PPS 02.08.08Links to an external site.). 

    This policy is written in pretty convoluted language, and each college works with it a little differently, but the gist is as follows:

    If you experienced a documentable, unavoidable interruption that prevented you from being able to be successful in one or more semesters within the past two years, you can appeal to your college dean to have all of your grades from that semester changed to Ws.

    Examples of these types of circumstances are the sudden loss of family members, house fire, becoming extremely ill, and other similar issues.


    Two important notes: 

    1. An administrative withdrawal appeal, if approved, will change all of your classes from the term to a "W"," which will not affect your GPA. You don't get to pick and choose which courses change to a W.
    2. Your right to request this does not guarantee you approval. 

    If you think you may qualify and want to learn more about the process, schedule a meeting with your academic advisor.


  • Strategies for success

    • Success is the result of small decisions to take action that you make every single day. There's no real secret, hack, or shortcut to it. You need to decide to do things, and then you need to stick to that decision. This module is largely voluntary. There's a quiz, but you can skip right to it with the button below. To pass the quiz you need to know two things:

      1. You are not expected to do this alone - there is a huge community of people at TXST ready to support you as you bounce back to good academic standing. 
      2. If you're ever looking for support service and can't get a hold of someone, the Dean of Students Basic Needs HubLinks to an external site. is a comprehensive list of university and community resources that can assist with everything from learning strategies to food security. 
      3. Likewise, you can find a comprehensive list of Academic Support Services on the Academic Engagement's Learning Support Resources pageLinks to an external site..
    • There is no doubt that attending college costs a lot of time and money, and having a job (or multiple jobs) to pay for expenses related to college is a requirement for most students. Balancing work and school commitments require some creativity, time management, and planning. We've listed some tips and resources that could be helpful for busy college students.


      Listen to your internal clock

      Are you someone who studies best early in the morning? Or do you do your best learning at the end of the day? If possible, prioritizing your study time or class time during the parts of the day when you are the most likely to be engaged with your academic work is a great strategy. This also allows you to work during times when you are awake and energized but it may not be your optimal learning time.  Working with your body's natural rhythms instead of fighting against them can help you settle into your routine faster. Understanding your internal clock may help you make some beneficial scheduling decisions for the next semester.


      Create your schedule (and stick to it)

      You may not be able to create a rigid weekly schedule that never changes, especially if your work schedule is finalized on a weekly basis. However, your class schedule will stay the same during the semester, and you can finalize your schedule each when your work schedule is finalized. As you're creating your schedule, it's a good idea to be as detailed as you can. Include blocks of study time, meals, self-care, social time, etc. and hold yourself to it. As a Texas State student, you have access to the Microsoft Outlook calendar applicationLinks to an external site. for free. This is an excellent tool for creating your study, work, and class schedules in one place. You can also customize reminder alerts to help keep you on track. If you have questions about how to access Microsoft Outlook, please contact ITACLinks to an external site..


      Understand your finances

      Having a clear understanding of your finances is important for your overall goals for success in school and life. Texas State offers a number of resources that go beyond federal and state financial aid packages and student loans. Bobcat GoldLinks to an external site. is an online resource directory designed specifically for Texas State Bobcats. Through this website, you can schedule a free Zoom appointment with a financial coach who can help you develop a custom financial plan. You can also view additional online resources like pre-recorded workshops and interactive financial literacy tools. Please contact the Financial AidLinks to an external site. office with questions about Bobcat Gold and other financial resources.

    • Unfortunately, life doesn't stop simply because you are also in college, and managing our health is part of that. Whether you have a brief stomach bug or are managing a chronic health condition, your available time and energy can impact your coursework in many different ways. While every student, health situation, and faculty member are different, we've listed some general tips and resources that students managing health concerns may benefit from. 

      Communicate with Your Faculty Members
      This is a great habit for students to get into in general, but especially if you feel like a health concern may impact your academic work and classroom presence. Make sure you check the syllabus for each class to make sure that you use the instructor's preferred method of communication (using BobcatMail vs. Canvas, for example) and that you review their attendance policy. Emails to instructors should be polite and professional (think "Dear Professor" rather than "Hey you"). Share information that they should know (in a way you feel comfortable with) in a timely manner, but also remember that they are people who care about your well-being. If you keep your instructors in the loop regarding illness, absences, and/or course challenges, they may be able to help you in more effective ways.

      The Dean of Students Office is a fantastic resource for students who need some support navigating college and chronic or emergent health concerns because each student will want different types of support to match their unique needs. They are equipped to support students in ways that are personalized to their own needs rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.


      Finding Medical Care (Before You Need It)
      Generally, people do not have the luxury of scheduling an illness or emergency when it is convenient for them. Where you go to seek care while you are in college will vary based on your own medical needs and personal circumstances, but waiting to find care until you need it can be difficult and time-consuming when you don't feel well. Continuing medical care while you are in college is important, especially if you take medication or have appointments on a regular basis.  The Student Health Center on Campus is a good starting place for students who may need medical care or a local pharmacy while they are in school, as they accept several kinds of health insurance and self-pay options for a wide range of physical and mental health services. They also provide a directory of local services.


      Disability Services

      Disability Services (DS) is another resource on campus that is designed to support students who are managing ongoing health concerns that may affect classroom learning. Disability Services is designed to help students request accommodations to ensure that they have equal access to all university programs, including some accommodations related to coursework. This applies to students who have a temporary medical condition (like being in a cast) as well. DS requires that students requesting accommodations register with their office and provide documentation from a medical provider. Their office can answer any questions you have that relate to your personal circumstances.

    • College coursework can be complex, and many majors rely on students to retain a solid understanding of all coursework as they move forward in their major. Academic support for coursework comes in many forms. Common types include formal tutoring centers or programs, informal peer study groups, and attending faculty office hours.

      Academic support programs and tutors on campus are built-in team members that are available to you while you build the technical knowledge you need to bring with you into your professional discipline. Finding a support program that will fit your needs may be a trial and error process, but there are different resources on campus for you to see what works for you. If you have any questions about any of the following resources, reach out to their offices or programs directly.

      Academic support for TXST students


    • College is an exciting experience that can get overwhelming at any point between your first day and your last day. However, if you get to a place where you are feeling too overwhelmed and aren't sure where to turn, there are some excellent resources on campus for you to check out below.

      Success coaching

      The Success Coaching office works with undergraduate students individually to help them make progress towards their goals, develop academic and professional skills, and better understand how to use college-level learning strategies. Success Coaches will develop a personalized plan for you based on the goals that you have for yourself. This is a highly recommended campus resource if you're looking to get back on track or need some help staying on track with your success goals.

      Counseling Center
      The Texas State Counseling Center offers a number of mental health resources and support systems that are available to all Texas State Students. Remember, mental health is health. The types of resources that are available range from phone apps to individual or group counseling sessions, and can cover a wide range of subjects. The Counseling Center website is robust, so you are encouraged to spend some time to check it out and see what is offered. Like all resources, the Counseling Center will offer personalized and confidential services based on your unique needs.

  • Repeating & dropping courses

    • The Undergraduate Catalog has a thorough course repeat policy, but it can be hard to interpret. Below, we explain each part of the policy.

      What the TXST Undergraduate Catalog says about repeating courses: "...a student may repeat a course, but cannot receive credit for the course more than once unless the course description in the catalog specifically provides that the course may be repeated for credit."

      What the TXST Catalog Means: Each class is worth a certain number of credits. In almost all cases, you only get credit for that class one time. Ex) MATH 1315 is worth 3 credits. If you take MATH 1315 two times, you still only earn 3 credits for the course.

      What the TXST Undergraduate Catalog says about repeating courses: "When a course is taken more than once from Texas State, the second grade (first repeat) and all subsequent grades (repeats) are included in computing the Texas State hours attempted, grade points earned and GPA. W, I, PR, and RP grades are excluded."

      What the TXST Catalog Means: If you're repeating a course for the first time, the first grade is replaced in your GPA calculation with the second grade no matter what your second grade is. If you decide to repeat a course again (second repeat, aka the third time you enroll in the same course), your grades from your first repeat and second repeat will affect your GPA. Additional course repeats will continue to be factored into your GPA calculations.

      What the TXST Undergraduate Catalog says about repeating courses: "If the last grade in a repeated course is lower than an earlier grade, the last grade is used to determine whether the course fulfills university requirements."

      What the TXST Catalog Means: The most recent grade in a TXST course is used for prerequisite purposes. If you passed a course and then take that same course again - but fail it - you no longer have credit for the course. 

      What the TXST Undergraduate Catalog says about repeating courses: "If the last time a course is taken is from another school, that course will meet degree requirements, but the last grade at Texas State counts towards the Texas State GPA."

      What the TXST Catalog Means: If you first take a course at TXST and then you repeat it at another institution, the grade earned at TXST is that grade that will count towards your TXST GPA, but the course taken elsewhere will be used to meet degree requirements.

      What the TXST Undergraduate Catalog says about repeating courses: A course taken for transfer credit must be repeated as transfer credit to count as a repeat. When a course is taken more than once from a transfer institution, the second grade (first repeat) and all subsequent grades (repeats) are included in computing the overall hours attempted, grade points earned, and GPA. “W” and “I” grades are excluded."

      What the TXST Catalog Means: If you decide to repeat the course at another school, passing the course will count towards completing your degree, but it will not replace the course grade you earned at Texas State. Grades in transfer coursework will not affect your TXST GPA.

    • For many students, the fastest way to improve your TXST GPA is to repeat courses you took only one time at TXST and earned a grade of D or F. These courses must be repeated at TXST in order to improve your TXST GPA. The second grade replaces the first grade in the Texas State GPA calculation, regardless of whether the second grade is higher or lower. 

      • If you repeat a D or F grade from TXST course and earn a better grade the second time, your TXST GPA will increase.
      • If you repeat a D grade from a TXST course and earn a F the second time, your TXST GPA will decrease.

      It is best to check with an advisor prior to repeating courses. Advisors will check if it is necessary or beneficial for you to repeat the course.

      Please note: If a student attempts a course three or more times may be charged a "Course Repeat Fee" for each subsequent attempt. An attempted course is defined as any course in which either a grade or W is earned on the transcript, including repeated courses. Please see Student Business ServicesLinks to an external site. for more information about this State of Texas statute.

      All course attempts and grades earned will remain listed on your Degree Audit and Transcripts as part of your official academic record. The "replacement" occurs in the GPA calculation only. We review the official Course Repeat Policy on the next page.

    • A common question that students ask is, "Can I retake courses I need to repeat at a community college closer to home in the summer?" This is an option for many students, but it is important to consider how the course repeat policy applies.


      • A student earned a D in MATH 1315 at Texas State, but they decided to repeat the course over the summer at a community college in their hometown. 
      • This student earns a C or better in the equivalent course over the summer, and they submit official transcripts from the community college to Texas State when they return for the next Fall semester. 
      • This student will have made progress toward their degree by satisfying the MATH 1315 requirement, and this allows them to move on to their next course. 
      • However, because the repeat course was taken outside of Texas State, the grade earned at Texas State is the grade that is factored into your Texas State GPA. 
      • Essentially, only courses taken at Texas State count towards your Texas State GPA. 

      Repeating a course can be an important tool for raising your GPA and making progress toward your degree; however, repeating a course is not a fix in all situations. 

      If you have questions about the course repeat policy, we encourage you to reach out to your Academic Advising CenterLinks to an external site. for advising options to ensure you make an informed choice.

    • Another common scenario that students may consider when trying to increase their GPA is dropping a course. A student may choose to drop a course for a variety of reasons, but dropping a course can have unintended complications (including with financial aid eligibility) or delay academic progress.

      Please review the TXST One Stop “Dropping or Withdrawing” pageLinks to an external site. for more detailed information about how dropping courses may affect:

      • Financial Aid eligibility
      • Current or future charges to your TXST account
      • International student visas
      • Athletic eligibility
      • Veteran's benefits
      • On-campus housing

      If you'd like to learn more about how dropping a course may affect you, we recommend making an appointmentLinks to an external site. with an advisor.

How to remove your academic standing hold

  • Real-time advising. Meet with an advisor in real time. These appointments can be online or in person. Ideal if you prefer to have a conversation and/or have more complicated issues. 
  • Asynchronous advising. You submit a request and the advisors create recommendations without a scheduled appointment. The typical wait time is five business days. Advisors will post your advising notes to the NavigateTXST app. Ideal if your work, life, or school schedule does not allow for scheduled appointments.
  • Opt out of advising. The opt-out request is designed for students who believe the information provided on this site is sufficient for their needs and do not feel that they need advisor assistance with course selection or GPA calculations.

Issues accessing a form?

You need to be signed in to Microsoft 365 with your Texas State account in order to submit your form. The form will only load for those signed in with their Texas State credentials. If you are logged in with a different institution's credentials, you will not be able to access the advising request.

To confirm you are logged in with your Texas State account:

  1. Open an incognito or private window (the name of the window varies by app).
    1. Copy & paste the form link into the incognito/private browser.
  2. After entering your email address, you will be redirected to a new page with the Texas State theme. Enter your password and sign in.
  3. Choose "Sign in as" For example, ""
  4. The form will load.
  5. Submit the form.

How do you access your notes or know that your opt-out request was processed?

To access the advising recommendations provided by your advisor (or determine if your opt-out request was processed), follow the instructions below:

  • Log into NavigateTXSTLinks to an external site.
  • Click 'My Docs' on the left side of the screen
  • Select 'Appointment Summaries'
  • The advising center will not send this information via email. To determine if your request has been processed, log into NavigateTXST regularly to check for new additions to your documents.
Screenshot of My Docs in NavigateTXST